View Full Version : happy father's day

06-17-2018, 05:01
to all you dad's out there. hope you have a happy and family fun filled day.

Ken The Kanuck
06-17-2018, 06:29

and thanks


JB White
06-17-2018, 07:15
My turn to take my son out. It's his first fathers day.

S.A. Boggs
06-17-2018, 09:43
Fantastic day!

06-17-2018, 02:19
I wonder if Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner celebrates fathers day.

06-17-2018, 02:20
Remember all the kids who had no fathers. Or bad ones.

06-18-2018, 07:19
I moped around, missing dad and my sons, but wifey never guessed it, just said I was "grumpy and hyper-edgy all day...".
She took me to watch the latest Star Wars movie, "Solo"... seems really Disney-fied and no grit at all, IMO. My USAF son called me in the middle of the movie to tell me 'Happy Father's day', but hung up when he realized I was in the theater.... guys were hollering for him in the background anyways. He said he'd call me later to gab... never did, oh well.... that beat rolls on, as I prob did the same.
