View Full Version : Da Gimp
Some of you may remember da gimp. George has been suffering from terminal cancer for years. He is now in a Hospice and doesn't expect to leave there alive.
What a fighter! No matter what you think about George, you have to respect his sheer will to live. He is a hell of a man and has my prayers and would appreciate yours,
JB White
06-26-2018, 08:11
Tom let me know earlier today. I haven't spoken to Gimp in a few weeks so I reckon I really owe him another call now. I know some people here had run-in's with him over differing opinions and Gimp took enough harassment on the side to cause him to drop off the board along with some others. Too bad you didn't take the time to get to know him. You would have understood his perspectives on those subjects and that he saw things from a slightly different angle at times.
If those guys knew who some of those guys were that they ran off, and probably read some of the things they authored and contributed to, they should be feeling like idiotic total POS now. Fools!
I didn't know the man but have said a prayer in his behalf.
06-26-2018, 09:08
Give George my best. He is missed. Prayers sent for a peaceful journey.
Thank you for this kind update on Da Gimp. Knew he was gravely ill. Much regret to read that things have gotten so bad. I am praying for him. Sincerely. bruce.
S.A. Boggs
06-27-2018, 02:30
Heck of a man!
Gimp led me to this board from another site that concentrated on surplus arms. We PM'd a few times regarding surplus items. While I very seldom post here, I read the boards daily and have missed seeing Gimp's input. He's a great guy, was always willing to help members, and will be a true loss to Country and community...
06-27-2018, 09:53
Fair wind and a following sea to you, Gimp!
I remember his posts well.
My prayers will be for his easy passing over.
very Sincerely, Tommy
May he be in heaven a half an hour before the devil knows he's gone.
Sorry to hear, give him our best regards...
Mark in Ottawa
06-27-2018, 02:46
Thank you for letting us know. He will be missed
JB White
06-28-2018, 06:12
He is fatigued but in great spirits. The medication they are trying now was the last one he could be given to treat his condition. That is until last month when Trump signed the "right to try" bill. Now they have more options for him.
Gimp is a real inspiration. In spite of all that has been happening with him over the years he has never slipped into, "Po lil ol me" mode. The man can stare adversity in the face, call a spade a spade, and stay at the top of his game. He's the one in dire consequences yet he's interested in what's going on in my life and wishing ME the best.
Always good to read about folks with such fortitude. THanks
Clark Howard
06-28-2018, 07:27
I look forward to seeing DaGimp at the big guy's range some day. Regards, Clark
S.A. Boggs
06-28-2018, 07:54
Can we send cards/letters to him?
I rarely venture to this part of the board, but have enjoyed and probably learned a thing or 3 from his posts in the past,
sorry to hear of his troubles
I spoke with George again tonight. He is not settled enough to receive cards etc. at the hospice and may in fact be going home or to a different facility soon. I also encouraged him to come back to Jouster... If I understand it right, he hasn't been on the internet for a long time but has just acquired a computer and internet access. In any event, he and his wife are considering selling some of George's guns. Personally, I think he could get some decent prices right here on Jouster.
This would be a better place if the gimp comes back.
This place isn't everything. I hope he is comfortable.
Ken The Kanuck
07-03-2018, 07:24
George gave me a call awhile back to say good bye, he is one first class act.
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