06-30-2018, 03:28
Yesterday, I completed an M-1 build, and attempted to use a High Hump Gas Cylinder Lock
that was purchased from Orian in April. I had cleaned the threads both male and female and
as I began to thread it on, it began to have a lot of resistance at about 1/2 way down. I
removed the lock and recleaned the threads, same problem (new barrel). I then applied a
different Gas Lock and it went right on perfectly. I called Orian and the parts man said return
it and we will send another, I was happy. Following this I received a call from the manager
who said that I must send the receipt or the would not accept it, I requested to speak to
Anthony Pucci the Owner and was told the had retired.
As Information';
jonn, " Bay of Pigs Yacht Club Member''.
that was purchased from Orian in April. I had cleaned the threads both male and female and
as I began to thread it on, it began to have a lot of resistance at about 1/2 way down. I
removed the lock and recleaned the threads, same problem (new barrel). I then applied a
different Gas Lock and it went right on perfectly. I called Orian and the parts man said return
it and we will send another, I was happy. Following this I received a call from the manager
who said that I must send the receipt or the would not accept it, I requested to speak to
Anthony Pucci the Owner and was told the had retired.
As Information';
jonn, " Bay of Pigs Yacht Club Member''.