View Full Version : Military escort flight

Jeff L
07-09-2018, 12:54
On Saturday I noticed what looked like a military tanker plus 3 fighters in escort formation at high cruising altitude headed north along the California coast. I couldn't tell what kind of fighters as they were literally just dots in the sky. Was that a normal long distance flight for the fighters or special escort for the larger plane? TIA

07-09-2018, 12:56
Aerial refueling exercise?

07-09-2018, 01:42
Yep, and I bet it was a Guard or Reserve weekend.

07-10-2018, 10:50
Possible refueling for the SOS Podesta returning from the Korean peninsula??

Clark Howard
07-12-2018, 06:11
Considering the position, you probably witnessed a KC-135 or KC-10 refueling a flight of fighters on a training mission for both sides of the pump. If it was a "fighter drag", they would have been west-bound. Regards, Clark