View Full Version : New Barrel Break in Recomdations

07-17-2018, 01:38
I am requesting your recommendations to break in a new 1963 SA
National Match Barrel. Thank you for any advice.


jonn "Bay of Pigs Yacht Club Member".

07-17-2018, 08:50
Opinions will vary, I punch the bore every shot for 10, punch after 5 for three sets then I run them till they are burnt out. Mine are bolt guns with Bartlein or proof research (Standard not lined) tubes. Good luck.

07-18-2018, 09:40
What p246 suggests gets at the basic idea, which is to get any left over burrs (from cutting the rifling) out of the bore early in the game. Shooting knocks them loose, cleaning gets them out with the copper.