View Full Version : One solution to a 'stuck' 1903 Safety

07-27-2018, 07:03
Howdy, folks.

Like many others, I'd run into an impossible-to-manipulate safety and after searching the posts here, did some judicious googling and found a cause/solution worth sharing.

It was a broken safety plunger.

I used a screwdriver blade to depress the plunger from the side and then tapped the safety into the center position with a brass hammer. From that position, it took one whack of a hammer to dismount the safety.

With reference to my annoted photo, look at how the socket hole for the detent / detent spring has been peened from gorilla-like attempts to manipulate the safety.

To give credit where credit is due, I found this solution on KTgunsmith's page dealing with his own 1903 restoration efforts (www.ktgunsmith.com/03a3.htm).