View Full Version : The lefties up here want an inheritane tax

Ken The Kanuck
07-31-2018, 08:45
What a stack of crap, I have earned my money, paid taxes on it. It is mine to do with as I see fit.



07-31-2018, 09:45
"Socialists do not love the poor, they hate the rich." George Orwell

07-31-2018, 10:01
How else can the commie bastards operate on other peoples money unless they take it from you? The rate here in the US is forty percent if the estate is worth five million or more. Dose not take much of a farm to reach that threshold if you consider the price of the machinery. Sometimes the heirs have to sell the farm in order to pay the tax. Then they have to pay income tax on their distribution.

It's never ending. You are taxed on everything you're entire life, then have to pay a tax on the casket they bury you in.

S.A. Boggs
08-01-2018, 12:42
What a stack of crap, I have earned my money, paid taxes on it. It is mine to do with as I see fit.



It's not yours, it is the government's who lends it to you. Fire is a good servant but a terrible master, same for government. More people want something for nothing, so the government takes from those who have to those who won't to buy a vote. That is how it has been done here, now that want more for your country...fight like hell to stop this.

08-01-2018, 04:51
It all begins with the legend of Robin Hood. Children are brainwashed at an early age of how great the principle is: "Take from the rich and give to the poor".

In reality it is: "take from the successful, educated, hard workers and give to the under achievers, irresponsible lazy bums". Let's make everyone poor, dumb, dependent and grateful to the government so we can control them (the little people).

Vern Humphrey
08-01-2018, 07:28
What have the bureaucrats done for me, that I should love them more than I love my children and grandchildren?

Mark in Ottawa
08-01-2018, 07:46
The proposal is yet another manifestation of left wing resentment. They resent that other people work harder than they do and earn more or are the children of people who did so and their solution is to steal it. As noted, all of this wealth is already taxed in some form but that is not enough; they want to tax it into nothingness. The reality is that if they try to do so, seriously wealthy people will find ways to avoid the tax, most likely by moving offshore into tax havens in the West Indies or Monaco. As always, it will start small (only those wealthy folks with estates over $5M; next year it will be only those with estates over $3M and then in the name of tax fairness, it will be everybody.

Wikipedia describes that think tank as"left leaning" and states that it was started by professors of Carleton University here in Ottawa. I have a friend who was a history professor at Carelton and from what he says, it would seem that he was a total outlier there - he was a Conservative. Everybody else was a socialist. No surprise then that they want to take money form those who earned it.

08-01-2018, 11:43
The Canadian government already gets a cut of your estate when you croak. Nothing new about it either.

08-01-2018, 12:32
Just expediting running out of other people's money. I am looking to invest in company making tumbrels.

Mark in Ottawa
08-01-2018, 03:40
Sunray: Just to be a bit fussy, in Canada when you die, all of your investment assets are deemed to have been sold at fair market value and if they have increased in value then your estate has to pay capital gains tax on those assets. Of course, had you not died, then you would have had to pay capital gains tax eventually anyways. In addition, in all provinces except Quebec, you have to pay a probate fee. In theory, this fee is supposed to cover the cost of having the court validate the will. In practice it is a tax since the fee exceeds the cost of the service. In Ontario, for example, the probate fee is 0.5 % of the value of an estate up to $50,000 and 1.5% for anything over $50,000. In Quebec the probate fee is nominal. There is no federal or provincial inheritance tax such as the 40% tax in the USA.