View Full Version : Just a thought...............

Dan Shapiro
08-01-2018, 03:02
And if we outlawed digital clocks and wrist watches, they wouldn't even know what time it is!


Mark in Ottawa
08-01-2018, 03:45
Yes, but what generation? The last time that I drove a standard was in December 1970 when I rented truck to move my and my fiance's furniture into our new apartment. I did however, learn cursive but in spite of the best efforts of my teachers, my cursive is incomprehensible

Vern Humphrey
08-01-2018, 07:27
I bought a car for my sister, with a manual transmission -- she refers to it as a "Millennial Anti-Theft Device."

S.A. Boggs
08-02-2018, 03:57
Except for my bad leg, I prefer a standard.

08-02-2018, 09:32
Outlawing automatic transmissions would get a lot of the stupid people off my roads. Hasn't anything to do with age though. You shouldn't be allowed to take your DL test in a wee car and then drive a truck of any kind either. Even a pick up.

JB White
08-02-2018, 01:47
In Illinois you don't even need to take a driving test sometimes. Get barely enough correct on a written test and away you go. Doesn't matter they can't read the signs so long as they can see them.

Another thing to cripple the youngsters. Go back to giving phone numbers as Hodgkins3-1234 and Lakeside5-6789 etc....and also write that cursive. Then tell them to call at a quarter 'til 5 instead of 4:45.
Manual transmissions and road maps along with nobody to call when they have a flat. We win!!!!

Vern Humphrey
08-02-2018, 02:06
And go back to rotary dials!