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S.A. Boggs
08-03-2018, 04:16
This is what the Amish has constructed so far, I am now waiting on the greenhouse covering to continue the building. Much of the greenery will be cut back, the open area of the building to the right is where the stepdown greenhouse will go and then the covered deck in front of the two windows. The Amish crew is working on another project for others for the next two weeks, I am doing the inside insulation as well as floor covering. The rooms have the walls up and we are quite surprised with the size! Size is one thing on paper, another on reality. Went to our local Habitat for Humanity store and picked up a nice desk for the bedroom, this is where I am putting my computer, as well as the screen for the security cameras that I am installing. My wife is quite pleased with the walk in closet and all the room that she will have. I am going out tomorrow to collect wood pallets to tear apart for the wall coverings for the rustic look. The metal roof is a deep green and I am painting the wood in a dark tan. Will post more pictures later.:1948:

Major Tom
08-04-2018, 11:37
Spectacular Sam!

Dan Shapiro
08-05-2018, 11:01
Looking good!