View Full Version : USGI parts.

08-08-2018, 01:31
Just counted up the connector arms in a box in my workshop 495.
Yep USGI parts are getting scarce. Would this be considered hoarding?

http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x413/nf1e/IMG_2033_zpsoyovdujt.jpg (http://s1180.photobucket.com/user/nf1e/media/IMG_2033_zpsoyovdujt.jpg.html)

08-08-2018, 01:32
By some, yes, but who listens to such people?

Major Tom
08-08-2018, 03:09
Holy Crap! There's some future funds sitting there.

08-08-2018, 09:21
I love that picture.

08-08-2018, 09:55
What's sad is all the M-14's those were intended for. While some may be surplus NOS parts some no doubt represent a rifle that is no longer with us.

Major Tom
08-09-2018, 02:06
Would they fit M1A rifles?

08-09-2018, 03:54
Would they fit M1A rifles?

This group will be going to Hawk to become part of his dummy selector kits. And yes some will be going on M1As and any of the rest of the M14 community that likes them, they just won't be functional as they will mount to the stock and not the receivers.
Here is an old photo of Hawk's kits on some of my M14s.

http://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x413/nf1e/IMG_0332%202013_10_19%2018_37_59%20UTC%201_zpsoqey uoij.jpg (http://s1180.photobucket.com/user/nf1e/media/IMG_0332%202013_10_19%2018_37_59%20UTC%201_zpsoqey uoij.jpg.html)

08-09-2018, 02:06
Sir by no means hoarding i live by Gun Parts and purchased a lot of gun parts over the years my friend worked there When Captain Crunch was eating i purchased a lot of M1 parts stocks and hand guards my shop looks like your parts box