View Full Version : 03A3 bolt

08-20-2018, 06:33
I've always heard about how the 03 pre war 1 had a 'buttery smooth' action. I have never had the chance to try an 03, but I do own a '43 03A3. The bolt is probably not original with the receiver, the numbers don't all match, but it is a good shooter. It has always seemed to be a little hard to lift the bolt especially in prone. I guess the easiest way to describe it is when lifting, it is like a long trigger pull with lots of creep.

I have had the opportunity to shoot a Brit 303 which had a much lower bolt lift because of the cock on close function.

Is there anything that can be done to smooth the bolt lift? I am not a fan of cutting springs, or speed locks. How long is an 03A3 striker spring? an 03? a 1917?

08-20-2018, 07:02
I have several. Some are better than others. Personally I would not mess with it, and just run it like I stole it. The Lee Enfield opens smoother but needs a firmer push to close. Each has its own style.

Richard H Brown Jr
08-20-2018, 08:01
Don't quote me on this, but.... I've read in some sources, that the troops would spent countless hours with the trigger tied back, and cycling the bolt to smooth up the bolt lugs, and the groove one rides in on the receiver, and lower edge of the extractor. Also the top of the magazine follower, and the groove milled in the front of the bolt and the extractor collar inner surfaces. Plus correct application of gun oil or grease. I have a 1903, that if I open the bolt and leave it forward, and tilt it butt down, the bolt will usually, slide back to the stop point, if I've really lubricated the bolt lugs.

R. Brown

08-21-2018, 02:26
Based on limited but personal hands-on experience, I believe there is also something to the claim that DHT bolt/receiver combinations run naturally smoother than NS combinations, which by comparison are a touch gummy. So it has been said.

08-21-2018, 04:32

08-21-2018, 06:19
Double Heat Treated = DHT
When the problems with the low numbered receivers came to light, the two armories started double heat treating the metal in the rifles. This gives the metal a hard surface but a less brittle interior which solved the brittle metal shattering under load.
Nickel Steel = NS
This replaced the double heat treated metal in the rifles.