View Full Version : Sprinfield Model 1901 Experimental Rifle - Follow up

08-27-2018, 06:01
Here are the reference pictures from Brophy's Book for the thread I posted earlier.

08-27-2018, 06:11
Cool! One can definitely see how SA was trying to figure the best way for a safety lug while skirting around the Mauser patent. Sincerely. bruce.

09-04-2018, 03:38
These were on sale just after WWII by some company whose name I do not remember. They were advertised as M1903 receivers. I ordered one for ~$5.00 as I remember, but returned it for a refund. Sorry now that I did not keep it.

09-27-2018, 03:36
I've had one of those new receivers for about 10 years or so.