View Full Version : New school buses..............

Dan Shapiro
09-05-2018, 11:18
New buses in Chicago.


09-05-2018, 11:41
Those fire drills are going to be fun! :icon_lol:

09-05-2018, 01:18
School purposes buses, in most jurisdictions, are required to have flashing red lights, a sign that reads, "School Bus" and a barrier to keep the urchins from crossing below the drivers line of sight. The really daft part is that the yellow paint is also mandatory. The .50 BMG is optional. snicker.

09-05-2018, 08:38
I heard by a certain year all school buses must have seat belts on all the seats.

JB White
09-05-2018, 11:30
All school buses? Who will fund the retro fit? As it stands the belts add significantly to the cost of a new bus. Multiply that per fleet. Again, who will pay? Some school districts can barely afford used buses. I know some states already require seat belts. Talk is it's a solution to a non-existent problem. The Illinois House passed the legislation last year but it hasn't yet become law as far as I know.

***Chicago should be considering reactive armor if they want to save the children. The Cook county violence tax isn't helping at all. Yes, they tax violence here! Actually they tax the non-violent people for the violence of others, but who cares about that?

S.A. Boggs
09-09-2018, 12:46
From the 7th grade on I took my daughter to and from school, I was able to rearrange my work schedule to do this.