View Full Version : Changes in this gun board

09-05-2018, 07:10
Today, at 6:50 PM, when I go to new posts, there are 30 new posts, only 2 concern shooting / guns. The other 28 are all from the 2nd ammendment forum.

To me this speaks volumes of why this forum has gone down hill from what it used to be. The old posters have either died, unknown to us, or moved on to other forums. I've watched this forum for 28 yrs thru 2 crashes and rebuilds, and "discussions" with Mil Surps. Looking at the other boards it seems like everyone is shooting/building AR types, and 6.5 whatever. Long range also seems to be taking over.

Has jouster been passed over by the more yuppie millineal / X Gen groups with different interests than what we have here? There is SOOOO much information in the 'way back" posts. When I take my old soldiers to the range someone always wants to know what they are (?). The wood is the hook...everyone else has plastic. There are hunters, with wood, out there sighting in but they are a different type from the AR shooters.

They may make more noise, more often than me, but my bang is bigger than theirs.

09-05-2018, 07:21
It is what we make it. I for one have been shooting more long range modern rifles, but still get the old dogs out. A specific No 4, No 3, and an M1917 usually get the nod. But most of the time it’s a 260 and 300WM L.R. Rifle.

As to post content you can read it or pass. Sometimes I do sometimes I pass.

09-05-2018, 07:34
I know what you are saying but I still like jouster to come back to it daily. Pat has worked so hard to maintain it and I appreciate her keeping jouster around.

Clark Howard
09-06-2018, 10:18
I agree that the old guard has passed, along with their interest and knowledge of the wood and steel firearms. A large percentage of the new enthusiasts are mostly interested in black plastic rifles with several or more aftermarket devices attached. The words "sniper" or "precision" seem to fire their imaginations. It seems to me that the younger guys who are interested in wood and steel are out there, but for a variety of reasons, they do not have the resources or time to devote to their interests. While you can assemble an AR clone with extra gadgets for $500, it is difficult to find a 1903, 1917, Garand, or 1911A1 for less than $700. The situation in the Second Amendment forum is the result of left-leaning members who have little or no interest in guns, but intend to inflame real members and discourage discussion of relevant subjects. This is all part of the dem "resistance" to President Trump. The average level of knowledge found on the other forums is a step down from what it was only a few years ago. It is up to those of us remaining to share our expertise with the younger guys. I have noticed that more and more young gun enthusiasts are showing up at local gun shows. They have lots of questions that show their interest in older guns. I do enjoy discussing wood and steel with these folks. Let's do our part and post in the older forums and incite interest. Regards, Clark

09-06-2018, 11:13
I posted some interesting old ammo cartons, only to have someone nitpick as to the correct use of the phrase "pre-war" as the solitary comment. Some of us are still plugging away at it in the other forums, but I agree it isn't what it was ten years ago. I'm also of the view that "what happens in the 2A forum stays in the 2A forum", but not everyone agrees with that proposition. And everyone can see who posts what and where, so it is easily seen that some of the most energetic 2A posters have little or nothing to say in the other areas.

JB White
09-06-2018, 11:53
Yet there are those of us who have always been casual shooters who might just happen to enter a local/semi-formal match once in a while. Then we retire and our interests veer off in another direction. How long can anyone like that keep talking about the same ol' same ol' for decades?
My shooting buddies have either died or moved out of state. That means making new friends and learning to do things like being a neighborhood handyman, charity work, sipping bourbon, playing darts, watching baseball, sipping bourbon, chasing cougars....
I no longer shoot handgun twice a week and rifle once a month. Working a little skeet into the mix once in a while then sipping bourbon. Did I mention sipping bourbon? Yes...and when I do that my Spanish gets better. Sort of like cue balls and wetbacks. The harder you hit 'em the more English you get.

09-06-2018, 03:38
The other 28 are all from the 2nd ammendment forum.

A sign of the times--the 2nd A. & NRA are under attack as never before: what precedent in former years is there for huge mobs of frenzied school kids marching in DC & all over the country with signs vilifying guns & NRA? When before was there a billionaire absolutely committed to spending whatever it takes to overturn the Heller decision? (Actually two billionaires.) And so on. I wish we could forget about the subject, but is that wise?

09-06-2018, 09:11
I used to run a NRA junior smallbore program for the state assn and one for 4H. We had waiting lists of parents with kids to get into the program. We didn't have enough rifles (35) for the kids so they shot relays, half the members on one night, the other half on another night.

It's been 10 yrs since I let go of it. Several months ago I went out to see the program; there were 8 older teens shooting precision smallbore with all the associated equipment (not program owned).

Much different from the kids that could start age 9 thru end of program qual or 19 1/2, whichever came first. It's a shame that parents don't seem to have confidence in their kids to allow them to join shooting programs that teach safe handling of firearms first, then have fun learning the discipline required to complete the program.

S.A. Boggs
09-07-2018, 03:12
The world has changed and it is in a hell of a fix! One thing I have seen is more ex service wanting their M4 or equivalent. We as a shooting group have not pushed back to the assault on US and that is our fault. I did at work and got chastised but I continued none the less. It I like being a Christian and being afraid to speak up for fear of ridicule. @ work a regressive asked my why I carried a gun, was I paranoid? I clearly stated that I carry a powerful handgun off duty, what was I to be paranoid about? I knew that she carried pepper spray what is she afraid of? In front of her "friends" she walked away and I laughed out loud. From that point forth people will leave you alone if you push back. My superior once told me not to use religion in my work, I told him that I would continue and the worst he could do was to fire me. He never mentioned it again and I continued to use my Christianity. I learned with my client to go boldly with a big stick.

09-07-2018, 07:52
It's been 10 yrs since I let go of it. Several months ago I went out to see the program; there were 8 older teens shooting precision smallbore with all the associated equipment (not program owned).

The marvel is that the program hasn't been cancelled by liberal school-board members who weren't going to stand for having students taught how to be "killers." In probably any urban area of the country, the parent who got up before a school-board meeting & suggested forming a rifle team would be screamed-down, if not assaulted, by all the hysterical gun-haters in the room.

Former Cav
09-07-2018, 04:12
we are dying off. I'm coming up on the "expiration date"
anybody want to see a list of what I have for sale.

09-13-2018, 01:17
we are dying off. I'm coming up on the "expiration date"
anybody want to see a list of what I have for sale.


Former Cav
09-17-2018, 05:05
if anyone wants the 'list", PM me back channel with your email address and I will email it to you. I am not posting it here

09-26-2018, 03:39
I have only been online since 2004,

this was a forum recommended to me, and one of the first I joined,
my interest at that time was mostly small bore collecting and service rifle shooting (that dreaded black rifle and a M1)

before it went under the first time, I was one of the 'top posters ' in the small bore section (like #15 or so,, not that it matters)

I never made the jump to milsurps when they hosted the site, I had moved on to Gunboards by then) and did learn it was back on it's own I revisited, and still do,

not every day, and not every week,

there were some really good folks here, still are, a bunch have disappeared, some have passed,

but honestly, the thing that kept me away was that it seemed to me a lot of the good informational folks had moved on, or not post as much, and were replaced by the caustic type,

I understand it is the internet, and I don't get my feelings hurt, but to read thread after thread of the same bs and then go down to the actual gun related sections and they are dead (last post was a week ago etc etc) I started staying away,

surely I was not the only one

09-26-2018, 05:16
No you weren't the only one. That is why I started the thread.

10-05-2018, 09:39
I was just talking to a new member, and had a thought on why the site seems to have stagnated.

We have here, a wealth of info on old mil surps because of the original posters, esp the Major and Gus Fisher. It seems that we have gotten away from our core firearm 'values/discussion'.
The remaining old farts, of which I am one, have/shoot/are interested in historic mil arms.

When the AR types took over Camp Perry, the interest for dedicated old farts and new shooters moved awav from this site's core knowledge base.

So, now go to the forums and scroll down and ckeck when was the last time anything was posted.

I hate to say it but Jouster has a lot in common with fender skirts

Lane's CSP Tips contains a lot of the distilled info, but not nearly enough/all.

The information highway has bypassed our town.

10-06-2018, 07:25
people who want to discuss guns have been for the most part run off by a select few unfriendly people on the board. imo so long as they are allowed to act the way they do, this forum will not recover.

10-14-2018, 02:08
I think th eboards history of outages hurt it also. I started on the original CSP back in the mid-90s. Back then the CMP didn't have their own forums they referred people to CSP. We had people like Bruce Canfield and Gus Fisher answering questions. The multiple issues with the boards being down for extended periods of time severely damaged it. CMP started their own forums and others went else where. Old favorites have moved on or passed on.

Different generations have variations on their similar interests. As time has passed there have been a reduced interest in old military rifles and more interest in newer ones. Sort of like the Model T car enthusiast giving way to the hot rods of the 60's and newer.

And after 20 odd years personal interests change for most. I've thinned out my Garands and probably won't buy any more. I've moved on to shooting what I have and action pistol competitions.

But I still come back to visit

10-14-2018, 04:04
I've been a member since I came back from West GE in '82. At that time this was THE gunboard. May thru July the Firing Line was buzzing getting ready for Camp Perry.

You are right about the new gun boards. One is all 6 or 6.5 everything, one is AR anything, others are all self defense, or bench rest.

I guess I'll just keep taking my wooden warriors out and answering "is that a _______?" And making a bigger, slower "bang" than "Matty Matel".

JB White
10-15-2018, 07:55
I've been a member since I came back from West GE in '82.

'82? Think back. 1982 was before the internet became publicly available. That must have been you, Al Gore and seven others! An old Bitnet user eh? :)
I'm assuming you meant '92?

10-15-2018, 12:37
I was pointed to CSP from someone on the long defunct Shooters.talk forums. I have had the pleasure to meet several folks here in person and shoot with some of them too.
Some folks have passed on, and some have wondered off.. Life does that.
I still read here albeit not regularly.
I do wonder where some of the folks are off to nowadays, e.g. Gush Fisher, E.G Clayton......


10-15-2018, 02:53
Anyone heard anything from Chuck in Denver lately ??

10-15-2018, 09:30
No, not true, first viewed/joined on my first computer a Tandy / Radio shack, Christmas '82. Dial up only then.

10-16-2018, 02:54
Anyone heard anything from Chuck in Denver lately ??

His last post here was 03-19-2018 but, he is posting on Gunboards.

10-17-2018, 01:11
I was pointed to CSP from someone on the long defunct Shooters.talk forums. I have had the pleasure to meet several folks here in person and shoot with some of them too.
Some folks have passed on, and some have wondered off.. Life does that.
I still read here albeit not regularly.
I do wonder where some of the folks are off to nowadays, e.g. Gush Fisher, E.G Clayton......


Gus does the Va gunshows,

he was at the show in RVA last weekend, I usually see him in Chantilly (NGS) as well

10-17-2018, 01:29
Gus does the Va gunshows,

he was at the show in RVA last weekend, I usually see him in Chantilly (NGS) as well

That is good to read. Mr. Fisher was very helpful with advice when I started shooting M1 Garands.

10-22-2018, 08:31
I was just talking to a new member, and had a thought on why the site seems to have stagnated.

We have here, a wealth of info on old mil surps because of the original posters, esp the Major and Gus Fisher. It seems that we have gotten away from our core firearm 'values/discussion'.
The remaining old farts, of which I am one, have/shoot/are interested in historic mil arms.

When the AR types took over Camp Perry, the interest for dedicated old farts and new shooters moved awav from this site's core knowledge base.

So, now go to the forums and scroll down and ckeck when was the last time anything was posted.

I hate to say it but Jouster has a lot in common with fender skirts

Lane's CSP Tips contains a lot of the distilled info, but not nearly enough/all.

The information highway has bypassed our town.

the new member has a point, but not sure that is the reason

if it was, then would not all boards be down in membership and posts except possibly AR15.com?

Gunboards, Milsurps, and likely others are till great places to go to share and learn about wood and steel, not just plastic and aluminum,,

I think some boards do well with diverse discussions (diverse as in multiple firearm types, ) and others do well with more specific types (thinking rimfire central)

and they managed to keep the folks that jumped ship during the multiple outages/changes here,

just a thought

10-29-2018, 06:43
Still stop in from time to time, yes the forum has changed. Posters are falling ill and moving to their lord. It's still nice to see whats going on from time to time here anyway, every now and then, I am humbled by the post of someone who knows way more than I do about one of the arms I own.Hope this keeps going forever, for the sake of the younger gens. Oh, I do miss all of these guys too!