View Full Version : You can't fix stupid............

Dan Shapiro
09-08-2018, 06:45
But you can eliminate it. Another future Darwin Award winner.....................


S.A. Boggs
09-08-2018, 11:44
I wonder if this person would be interested in purchasing a "pet" rock, I have several that I have raised from pups. The curious thing is this person can vote. Several years ago there was this women in town who adorned the exterior and interior of her car with weird items, made no sense. Periodically she was "interned" in the mental hospital for various treatment.:icon_e_surprised:

09-09-2018, 09:26
You can't legislate against it either. That's more of a kinetic energy weapon than a claymore though. Smash your face with a bag of stones.

JB White
09-09-2018, 10:46
I do believe a claymore imparts quite a bit of kinetic energy.
As the cover flaps out of the way I doubt a dab of glue will hold those stones in place. My friends son used to take the airbags out of his demo derby cars. Then we would set up a couple of wire leads and a 12v battery to "detonate" them. I stayed a good bit away. He had already been air-lifted to the ER twice in unrelated instances before his 30th birthday. He calls it his Darwin Practice.