View Full Version : Lithgow parts source

09-10-2018, 09:49
Getting back into Lee-enfield after selling off my collection years ago. Does anyone know of a good parts source for Lithgow No.1 mkIII parts? I need a nice MA 41 or 42 marked rear sight protector, phosphate finish.



09-12-2018, 01:14
$15 for a sight protector at Liberty Tree. Kind of suspect finding any specifically Lithgow made parts, Stateside, will be problematic. Dunno if it'd be a demand thing or a lack of imports thing. May be both.

Clark Howard
09-16-2018, 06:21
Try Springfield Sporters. They will know if they have it. Regards, Clark

09-16-2018, 11:45
Forget SS. Shutdown. Russell has had some serious medical issues lately....from what I understand