View Full Version : Help for a friend

09-13-2018, 04:40
Old friend went to renew his DL and was told he has an outstanding traffic violation from 1991 in PDR Massachusetts. I suggested he figure out if he was working in the emergency room and document it. Also that there is some sort of typo between the actual citation and the records (police may have abbreviated Connecticut as 'CO' instead of 'CT")

Anyone ever suffered this type of bureaucratic problem or have ideas how to fix it? I fear it may require a lawyer if it doesn't get resolved easily.

09-13-2018, 05:45
After we were married it took the wife and I seven years to convince the IRS that our last names were the same.

Each year they would send our Tax Return back with the explanation that her name didn't jive with the social security number.

Marrige licence and certificate from the church ... passports, green cards , joint bills and bank accounts...drivers licences for seven consecutive years ...... they weren't having it .

On the eigth year we owed them money and so I had the wife write the check..... they cashed it and we never had a problem again.

I wish the best to your friend