View Full Version : This site is targeted heavily by spammers and hackers

Brad in Idaho
09-21-2018, 02:31
I used to come to this site every day, multiple times. Then for quite some time I didn't use it much at all. Recently I've been checking in regularly and I noticed something. I have been receiving a LOT more spam email since frequenting this site. Also a lot of attempts to get me to log in to bogus sites, I assume to collect personal info on me. Someone has equated my email address with someone named Kurt Princing so I get a lot of garbage using that name. It only happens when I use this site frequently so I can only think that spammers and hackers think this is a good place to gather info. Is there something about this site that makes this easier? Is there something that can be done to combat this? Has anyone else noticed this?

09-21-2018, 02:54
Hasn't happened to me.

Tom Trevor
09-21-2018, 04:05
I have not noticed any increase in Spam.

k arga
09-21-2018, 04:15
I'm here 5 times a day, not a problem.

Vern Humphrey
09-21-2018, 04:29
I've had no problems with hacking and spam.

09-21-2018, 05:38
Just within the past couple of days I have started getting a lot of spam emails but I've been on this forum steady for years so it isn't coming from here.

Brad in Idaho
09-21-2018, 06:54
I'm a creature of habit and this site is the only thing I've added to my browsing for quite some time. I'm baffled....

I guess I should have titled this thread IS this site targeted by spammers and hackers? Sorry, I wasn't trying to be accusatory.

09-21-2018, 07:55
Facebook is probably the largest target of hackers.

09-21-2018, 08:26
Some days I get zero spam and other days I get 20 spam emails. I use yahoo and it automatically by default has a spam feature that sends spam to my spam folder so my regular email folder is inundated.

09-22-2018, 07:45
No problems w/ spam from CSP. Sincerely. bruce.

S.A. Boggs
09-22-2018, 07:51
Nothing unusual here either.

09-22-2018, 10:44
It's not this site. It's something in the security settings on your machine.
The absolute worst thing you can do with spam is respond in any way, shape or form. That tells the spammer that your e-mail address is active and you respond to the crappola. Doesn't help to forward the spam stuff to MS or your ISP either. snicker.

09-22-2018, 11:51
Don,t know about the rest of you but when I sign on to Culver, if you look at the top left and you will see "NOT SECURE" I don't know exactly what that means , but I do know what the word secure means. FWIW I think its warning you not to post personal information cuch as CC, SS, Bank info etc......


09-25-2018, 07:56
Ever since internet deregulation, I have been hit with the scammers quite hard. No expert but I reckon that might have something to do with the junk.

Brad in Idaho
09-25-2018, 01:05
I never respond, or even open spam email. Spam is for the most part headed off into a spam folder which I delete without opening. I am very careful not to open any emails with addresses I don't recognize. My internet security is as good or better than most so I doubt that lax security is the answer either. My email address is somehow linked with this Kurt Princing (I seriously doubt this is even a real person) and almost ALL the spam uses that name for me, which is NOT my name. I had gone a long time with very little spam until recently when the volume increased dramatically for no apparent reason. I am not a computer expert, but neither am I stupid about how to use one properly. I DO NOT share sensitive personal info with anyone or any site and do not allow any site access to ANY personal financial data.

09-25-2018, 11:06
I am very careful not to open any emails with addresses I don't recognize. My internet security is as good or better than most so I doubt that lax security is the answer either.

Be careful with familiar E Mail addresses too. I've gotten E mail from family and friends that contains links that are viruses. Their accounts were hacked and they were unaware of the mail that I received.