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View Full Version : What is the value

Major Tom
09-23-2018, 08:00
I have a chance to buy an early Ruger Blackhawk in 30 carbine. Current owner is the second owner. He said first owner never fired it; he says he never fired it. Current owner is retired gunsmith and has checked all specs and all are correct. Comes with original box and manual. He is asking $725 for it plus S&H. I have looked at other similar Blackhawks with prices all over the board. What would you pay?

09-24-2018, 06:06
There are several for sale on gunsamerica.com for $500 to $550.

09-25-2018, 06:29
The last one we had in the store was well used but fully functional and it brought $395. MSRP on a new production one is $669.

09-25-2018, 08:00
FYI the only complaint I've ever heard about these pistols is the noise. From what I've read the 30 carbine is extremely loud when fired with a pistol length barrel. If you don't already do so this may be the one gun in which you have to wear muffs. Most compare it to a short barrel 357 as far as decibel's go.

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The last one we had in the store was well used but fully functional and it brought $395. MSRP on a new production one is $669.

PM sent

09-25-2018, 09:19
Unfired in original box with paper work , I'd buy it.

Major Tom
09-26-2018, 05:25
Unfired in original box with paper work , I'd buy it.

Yes, I am buying it. The ones I've looked at usually have holster wear, nicks, no box or manual. This one is exactly like it was sold way back when.

09-26-2018, 03:29
$725 is not out of line,

I have sold a couple, one none with the box, for $699 in the past year

yes the new ones are $699 but the vintage one's hold their value