View Full Version : For me, this starts after Labor Day every year!

S.A. Boggs
09-26-2018, 02:31
Sad but true. You ought to see the breakfast that we serve just after Easter Sunrise Service. Every Sunday before Sunday School in the kitchen is fresh coffee, Crispy Cream doughnuts and breakfast for the little ones. Being a Baptist is as tough life I tell you! All kidding aside, this is just a little bit of what a Believer has in store for eternity. Some will joke about the hereafter but what will you have hereafter...think about it.

09-26-2018, 06:50
You should come to the Methodist church I attend. The dessert table is that big !! The last fellowship meal there was so much fried chicken left over that they were giving out take home boxes.

Vern Humphrey
09-26-2018, 08:37
You should attend the Catholic fish fries during Lent!

09-27-2018, 06:10
You should attend the Catholic fish fries during Lent!

They don't wait for Lent down here. Fish fries all year long. And not just the Catholics !