View Full Version : where is Red

k arga
09-29-2018, 09:51
Did he get banned again?

09-29-2018, 01:46
back under his bridge, where trolls belong!

09-29-2018, 04:18
We all have times when we lay off posting for a while. That's probably the case with Red. Red is a member of this board. He rubs some folks the wrong way. Some folks rub him the wrong way. I'll take him ... or anyone else on this board anytime anywhere. All of us need to remember, like it or not, there is absolutely no future for any of us w/ the demokrats and their left-wing social/political agenda. As Franklin so quaintly put it, we will all either stand together or we will end up hanging together. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.

09-29-2018, 04:45
All of us need to remember, like it or not, there is absolutely no future for any of us w/ the demokrats and their left-wing social/political agenda.

Well, if we all gave in that easily there would be no president Trump and no majority of the house and senate.

09-29-2018, 07:27
Well, if we all gave in that easily there would be no president Trump and no majority of the house and senate. Cannot see how I endorsed giving in easily. Sincerely. bruce.

Former Cav
10-04-2018, 10:22
I'm with you Bruce