View Full Version : Update to an update

S.A. Boggs
10-04-2018, 02:05
The inside of the house is coming along nicely, but slowly. Brought in 26 pallets yesterday, man that was a chore drove over 50 miles collecting. Wood is a mixture of oak, little pine and poplar. Wife figured out a good way to tear them apart and save time. We are burning the stringers so that is not a problem, she measure what we are actually using for the ceiling as well. For the ceiling I use the pallet buster on the center stringer and then cut the slats where the wood meets the outer stringers so I can now tear a pallet apart much quicker and easer. Also the ceiling wood does not need to be planed which saves time and effort. I have tore apart the wood cubes and that is a chore but worth it as the wood is white oak. The base is heavily nailed so I don't miss with it, I just cut the sides off where the base wood starts which gives me slats about 14" long. I have to use vice grips to tear off the banding wire and staples. The wood will need a light sanding and staining, not much else. I am going to sand the wood with a fine paper and BLO to build up a mud to seal to seal the wood, as I do M1 stocks. I would love to use Tru-Oil but that is costly and I don't think it comes by the gallon.
Today I am bringing in 20 more rolls of R-13 insulation and starting on the walls, then finish the ceilings that I haven't got to. We are going to work on the floors starting next week, my back and knees are not looking forward to that!
The plants in the conservatory are doing nicely, much better then I expected! The shade and sun loving plants are in close proximation and seem to be responding well. Many of our ornamental plants are flowering better then in the garden, I can't reason why. Our tomato plants are doing well and I expect tomatoes just after Thanksgiving, Romaine lettuce in about 3 weeks. Cantaloupes and cucumbers in about 50 days, I am running them on heavy nylon twine about 9 feet in length. Lowes are closing out plants at 75% off so I am going to pick up some grape plants to try, will be ordering two miniature lemon trees as well. The tall section of the conservatory I can accommodate plants up to 12' in height and 6 feet in diameter if need be. I am going to take some cuttings from my Mr. Lincoln and Helen Hayes roses and see what I can do with them for the conservatory.

Major Tom
10-04-2018, 02:44
Hooray for you Sam! I like to read your posts.

10-04-2018, 04:33
Wonderful news! Most glad to read of the progress you and your wife are making with your home. God bless you! Sincerely. bruce.