View Full Version : New Stock at CMP?

10-16-2018, 06:52
Has anyone seen any of the new stock at the CMP?

I've heard that a new batch of Garands is starting to hit the shelves.


10-19-2018, 07:34
Would these be the ones from the Philippines?

10-22-2018, 06:53
GCA Mag has some pieces on them

10-25-2018, 07:58
I just sold one set of the wood on Gun Broker for $100.

The CMP doesn't exist to provide wholesale parts so gun dealers can make a profit. The profiteers are why the CMP no longer have 1903's, M-1 Carbines, 1917's and other guns to further Civilian Marksmanship....

10-26-2018, 10:59
Hey Red any news on the 1911 drawing? Did they tell you where your order sits in the queue? As for the CMP, no matter what they do, someone gets mad. But I can't see it being realistic to expect them to sit at the very top of the market with no resale window above them. They have people to pay, light bills, etc., plus acquisition of new inventory can require cash outlays as well. Sounds like a business to me and businesses need to move inventory.

10-29-2018, 06:54
The CMP doesn't exist to provide wholesale parts so gun dealers can make a profit. The profiteers are why the CMP no longer have 1903's, M-1 Carbines, 1917's and other guns to further Civilian Marksmanship....

sounds to me like he just replaced the stocks on the rifles he bought, and then recouped his cost by selling the now take off CMP wood,

not parting out the entire rifle,,

as far as the 1903's etc, limited supply from various sources, and a very large demand,

did some dealers buy them, surely some did, but not as many as people seem to think

10-29-2018, 07:12
I got three of them last month!, the stocks look like mahogany and the butt traps are not drilled for the cleaning accessories, I just sold one set of the wood on Gun Broker for $100. The stocks look good but are just stained walnut in color, new metal. No CMP markings! Likely replaced due to the termite damaged Phillipine stuff! I replaced the wood on the rifles, with vintage originals. bores were good. They have some Winchester and IHC rifles with new wood and new commercial barrels, these were probably from rifles with bad bores!
Dan M in FLA.

would love to see pics!

been considering ordering a couple myself

10-29-2018, 09:18
Got news for you at $100 for the stock set, there is no profit being made! I was merely stating that I got out of it! Its a loosing sale!

- - - Updated - - -

Thank you sir! at least you understand my message!

10-29-2018, 04:12
I got three of them last month!

So you buy 3 Garands a month? That is 36/year or 324 since 2009.... I remember when gun dealers made their living buying and reselling 100's of Garands. I don't know what you bought from CMP but the SA and the IHC I got from CMP a couple of months apart, both had new, nice American Walnut Stocks that had been stained but not "finished" and both were bored for the cleaning equipment.

I f those are the only 3 you have ever bought, you are fine. But when you say "I got three of them last month," that sends the message that last month you bought 30 Garands and 3 of them were junk. Words mean things. And "I got three of them last month!" means you were disappointed becasuse. you usually get better guns on your monthly order.

10-29-2018, 04:21
I believe the CMP is at 8 M1s per customer per year right now. And they have a lot of so-so rifles to move. Some of those Turk and Philippine rifles were rode hard & put away wet (so to speak).

10-29-2018, 07:45
So you buy 3 Garands a month? That is 36/year or 324 since 2009.... I remember when gun dealers made their living buying and reselling 100's of Garands. I don't know what you bought from CMP but the SA and the IHC I got from CMP a couple of months apart, both had new, nice American Walnut Stocks that had been stained but not "finished" and both were bored for the cleaning equipment.

I f those are the only 3 you have ever bought, you are fine. But when you say "I got three of them last month," that sends the message that last month you bought 30 Garands and 3 of them were junk. Words mean things. And "I got three of them last month!" means you were disappointed becasuse. you usually get better guns on your monthly order.

RED,,, very senior member and now CMP police,

please go to the CMP website and look at the listing descriptions and limits,,

IIRC, back in the early 2000's the limit was a dozen, per year,
may have been able to buy your limit in each grade, but I don't recall,

CMP did sell some stuff , including rifles, to some distributors, basically in trade for parts needed

10-30-2018, 05:39
Years ago, right before the Newtown AR freakout, I picked up a full 840 round can of M196, in cartons, from Orion 7 on GB. I asked them if they got it from the CMP, because a bunch popped up at that time, and indeed they did, in exchange for parts.

Still have the can, and boy at the height of the panic I could have got $1/round for it on GB. Those were some crazy days.

10-30-2018, 07:37
Years ago, right before the Newtown AR freakout, I picked up a full 840 round can of M196, in cartons, from Orion 7 on GB. I asked them if they got it from the CMP, because a bunch popped up at that time, and indeed they did, in exchange for parts.

Still have the can, and boy at the height of the panic I could have got $1/round for it on GB. Those were some crazy days.

slightly off topic,

panic was so strong then,

I had some AR receivers out of my Father's estate , way more than I or my brother needed at the time, so I listed some on Gunbroker,

started at MSRP (around $149 IIRC) from RRA's website then, , and let the bidding go,

most sold for 2x's MSRP, one went for almost $500,,

amazing, esp considering now you can get one on sale from Anderson etc for $29,,

10-30-2018, 09:03
Don't be such an A**~ I only bought 3 for the whole year! they arrived last month! Gee, some people should not be allowed to open their mouths!

10-30-2018, 09:08
Hey RED some education News for you! there is a buying limit of 8 guns per year to keep people from being dealers! So now you know!

11-13-2018, 05:56
Red! you don't know what you are talking about, only proof that you can count!