View Full Version : Taurus 38 Spl
What is the model number for this revolver? I know the caliber, the barrel length but the model is COMUM? Also says ACABAMENTO: OXID.
Shoots single action very well, but in DA if the trigger doesn't return all the way between shots, pulling the trigger will cause the hand to rotate the cyclinder, but not draw the hammer back. Guesses?
Any help is appreciated, especiall on the model. Thanks ahead of time.
Probably a model 65. Can you push the trigger forward and it functions DA? If so, maybe need a new trigger spring. Other causes could be the DA sear on the hammer is stuck and not functioning as it should. Take the sideplate off and look to see what is happening.
I have never seen one marked as you say yours is. Is it an Interarms import? If not, maybe from before them. Certainly not a new Taurus Int. pistol?
Good Luck,
And the pistol is marked Taurus? It's not one of the Spanish made copies of a S&W is it?
it's a 6 shot, inside looks a lot like S&W. The problem is, I think, I'm milking the trigger, i.e. pulling it before it returns. I think it may be a model 80, I'll al;so check for dwng of the 65.
I know around that time both S&W and Taurus were bought by some othe large company, I don't remember its name tho.
Punta Gorda (spl) bought S&W in the mid 60's or so. The government was not happy about it as the company was owned by Cuba. S&W sent people down to the Taurus plant in Brazil to redesign their pistols. Just about the same time that they brought in people and equipment from Beretta to make their semi-autos.
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