View Full Version : Air Force Falcon Mascot Swiped by Two ADHD-Types
If the Army cuts the offenders loose, all for the best in my opinion. Failing that, then let their records show that they are permanently marked for greatness as latrine officers.
11-05-2018, 07:05
For once I agree with you.:icon_salut:
11-05-2018, 06:02
Pretty outrageous act.
High Plaines Doug r
11-05-2018, 08:22
What? Were these cadets practicing their ninja skills on a friendly rival?
The USMA has some 'splainin" to do after these 2-3 years of embarrassments.
11-05-2018, 09:50
I'm a USAF Vet. Academy Pranks have been going on for decades. We were all young once and have done stupid things. I do not believe this should be a career ending event for these people. The Army Corps of Cadets should at least in mass apologize to the USAFA. The people that did this should be punished like running until they drop, loose liberty weekends and maybe have to spend a summer with the USAF as an exchange cadet. Also all the service academies should put screwing with the mascots off limits.
The price of a Gyrfalcon on the Qatar market is reportedly $250,000 according to Forbes. Not small change!
Darreld Walton
11-07-2018, 07:18
Back in the 'day', each of the Minuteman missile wings would send teams to Vandenburg AFB to compete for the Blanchard Trophy. Each of the wings had 'mascots' of sorts. One wing had a stuffed owl, another, a stuffed coyote. After the competition, it was discovered that the owl was missing, and after some negotiations, a trade was arranged. The fee for getting the owl back, IIRC, was something on the order of a case of single malt. The hooch was sent, and after it's receipt, the owl was shipped, but when the wing CC opened the box, there was a pile of feathers, and a note of condolence, stating that they were sorry, but the coyote got the owl before they could get it shipped.....or something like that.
S.A. Boggs
11-07-2018, 07:23
Sounds like two cadets will be walking punishment for some time, stupid stunt that most likely was not criminal in nature.
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