View Full Version : California wild fires

11-10-2018, 06:19
Any of you guys affected by this? The death toll was 2 this morning and now 11 due to people being trapped in their cars trying to leave, others being trapped in their homes. I read also that Malibu was being evacuated.

The previous fires were deliberately set by an illegal (who admitted it). This time it started with forest management problems which doesn't explain much. I guess we'll find the pacific cause later.

Vern Humphrey
11-10-2018, 06:42
Any of you guys affected by this? The death toll was 2 this morning and now 11 due to people being trapped in their cars trying to leave, others being trapped in their homes. I read also that Malibu was being evacuated.

The previous fires were deliberately set by an illegal (who admitted it). This time it started with forest management problems which doesn't explain much. I guess we'll find the pacific cause later.

Probably Greenies who sued to keep the Forestry Service from clearing out the dry fuel on the ground. And left-wing judges who supported them.

11-10-2018, 07:04
Probably Greenies who sued to keep the Forestry Service from clearing out the dry fuel on the ground. And left-wing judges who supported them.

Do you know the cause or not?

11-10-2018, 10:01
This happens all the time over there. I don't know how they get insurance.

S.A. Boggs
11-11-2018, 06:19
Could also be a prelude to coming attractions and I am NOT being flippant.:icon_e_surprised:

Clark Howard
11-11-2018, 07:43
The dems and their tree-hugger allies stopped the efforts to reduce forest fuel buildup in California about 40 years ago. Before that, prisoners, as well as contracted crews, worked to reduce the dead material that accumulated in the brush and tree covered areas. Those work camps were closed, and funds were halted for the project. Now, when a fire starts during the windy season (Santa Anna Winds), it is impossible to control or extinguish. The guilty parties will never admit their role in this tragedy, nor will they ever be held to account. They will rebuild their homes, and wait for the next fire. Regards, Clark

11-11-2018, 08:24
John McPhee published a series of essays from The New Yorker (from before it became a leftist propaganda rag) as The Control of Nature, dealing with the follies of messing with nature. One of the essays, written in the '80s, was about California's fixation on fire suppression.

Recommended reading.

Major Tom
11-11-2018, 08:42
At last count, 25 people dead!
Trump says he will make CA clean the 'fuel' in forests.

11-11-2018, 08:53

I may be the only one here who actually engages in prescribed burning on a regular basis. Cheap shots at the afflicted state notwithstanding, if you have a major disease-related dieoff in a roadless area, combined with drought, high winds and low relative humidity, the combination of fuel and conditions is explosive. Fuel accumulates faster than it can be removed. From what I hear the Camp Fire may have been started by a downed PG&E transmission line in the wooded area. If this fire started on the right-of-way then blame the private sector for it.

11-11-2018, 10:42
It has been over 20 years since I have been able to do a prescribed burn. We have such a fuel load of beetle kill that a private individual would be nuts to do one, even hiring the state forest service. All the Feds want to do is assign liability to someone else for their addiction to "sue and settle". Around here the USFS is closing roads because they don't have enough money to maintain them and then the roads are needed to access areas with fires.

11-11-2018, 11:15
Forest Service is USDA, right? They have plenty of money to write checks to farmers but none for forest roads. I'm guessing some locals actually prefer it that way. In 2017 I made a trip to the high country in WY, including a couple days at a USFS campground to get acclimated to the altitude (for the first 24 hours above 9K feet this flatlander pees like crazy). Signs of indifference were everywhere, including the fact that no one besides us was using it. I liked it better when wild lands were wild and people had to travel to experience them. Nowadays people want to experience it by moving in next door.

11-11-2018, 11:49
My father-in-law has a prairie on his property in Wisconsin. They do annual or bi-annual burns with the help of the local fire dept. and volunteers. Some seeds actually need fire in order to sprout, like Lodgepole Pine, Eucalyptus, and Banksia. So, the occasional fire is part of Nature's design.

11-11-2018, 02:37

You wouldn't want the little darlings to miss out on their soda pop. How else will they be able to develop Type II diabetes in their 30s?

Vern Humphrey
11-11-2018, 04:27
My father-in-law has a prairie on his property in Wisconsin. They do annual or bi-annual burns with the help of the local fire dept. and volunteers. Some seeds actually need fire in order to sprout, like Lodgepole Pine, Eucalyptus, and Banksia. So, the occasional fire is part of Nature's design.

Well, Eucalyptus and Banksia are exotics, not native to America. They come from Australia, and have some negative impact on the native flora. So maybe NOT germinating them is part of nature's design.

Bill D
11-11-2018, 05:34
If I’m not mistaken, USFS is part of the Department of the Interiot, Togor.

11-11-2018, 06:05
Any evidence that illegal MJ cultivation is playing a role ?

11-11-2018, 07:00
Forest Service is Dept. of Ag; Bureau of Land Mgmt is Interior. FS is supposed to be more or less self funding because it has assets to manage through timber sales. 'Sue and settle' has really had a negative impact and allowed the enviros to fill their war chests via the 'Equal Access to Justice Act'.

11-11-2018, 07:32
If I’m not mistaken, USFS is part of the Department of the Interiot, Togor.

That makes sense.

11-11-2018, 08:39
I am pretty sure the Feds have nothing to do with the lands that have been burning and that is all belongs to the state or it's private property . But it is the lack of a controlled burn that has caused this to happen. And I hate to say it but the Lump is right in his tweets. And now when the rains do come then the mud slides will be happening so stay tuned.

Vern Humphrey
11-12-2018, 06:54
I'm planning on a prescribed burn in December.

Bill D
11-12-2018, 12:32
I stand corrected. USFS IS a part of the Department of Agriculture. Sorry, Togor!

11-12-2018, 04:52
I will do a controlled burn on 1800 acres of native grass in march-april weather permitting. Its really deep grass but we get to pick the weather conditions before we light it.

11-12-2018, 08:10
I'll stay out of the way.

11-12-2018, 08:27
I lost my tent(GPsmall) and almost my jeep in a relatively small compared to this one in northern Mendocino county. The fire was started by Mexican marijuana growers, probably accidental. Cal Fire hot wired my jeep and moved it to safety.

Major Tom
11-14-2018, 09:11
A tragic, horrendus fire indeed!
Out of curiosity, is Paradice, CA the same town that is in an old movie starring Bob Hope?

11-14-2018, 10:43
Strange how a fire this big can destroy entire neighborhoods yet not touch houses across the street.

Prayers go put to these people, pets and wildlife.


11-14-2018, 01:01
A friend of mine had fire come to 1/4 mile from his home. He said the fuel is dead and dried brush and timber that hasn't been cleared in years.