View Full Version : It's a Boy!

11-27-2018, 10:00
Gender reveal by Off-Duty Border Agent starts wildfire.


Keeps his job but is working for restitution for the rest of his days, except that probably he'll get a lawyer to plead his sob story in a few years that he's unable to be a proper provider for his family with this $8M bill hanging over his head. The government lets big banks settle for pennies on the dollar, so maybe he has a point. Anyhoo, he's keeping the border safe!

11-27-2018, 11:15
where you been, this was a few weeks ago

11-27-2018, 01:44
Did I miss the thread?

11-27-2018, 02:01
no thread here, but was somewhere else I haunt, and in the news a few weeks ago

11-28-2018, 02:43
Togor, I've also been advised once after I had posted what I thought was an new incident of interest I just learned about, that it had been posted before some where else on some other site or sites. My thought at the time after being so informed, was, well it was something new and of interest to me at the time, and thought it might also be for others who hadn't seen the article either as I didn't. How's that old saying go, what's old to you, may be new to me. LOL. Ray

11-28-2018, 09:45
oddly enough, saw it on the news when I got home last night, like it was breaking news,

I'll see if I can find out where it was posted first and see what date it was,

either way , a damn shame the fire was started at all, esp that way