View Full Version : Strangely quiet

12-18-2018, 08:52
OK guys, here it is. Do you support the President’s bump stock ban?

S.A. Boggs
12-19-2018, 01:35
Mixed feelings at this time.

k arga
12-19-2018, 04:44
I'm with Sam just don't know what to think , but sometimes we may have to bend a little.


12-19-2018, 05:13

JB White
12-19-2018, 05:36
Here we go again. I've already made my position known on previous bump stock threads.

I can see this topic going the way of those now nauseating threads on the SMLE forums in regard to head spacing. Page after page, three times a year, for 25 years. People repeating everything which has been said repeatedly on all the previous threads with no definitive answer in the end.

12-19-2018, 07:11
NO. Not the way it is being done. The BATF deemed these things legal from day one. They were legal when everyone bought one. Now the Trump administration has banned them and demanding destruction or turn in within 90 days. I assume fines and or jail time will take affect after that. No compensation at all at time of writing. This is over-reach and could apply to anything if passed as is.

12-19-2018, 07:48
No I don't.

12-19-2018, 07:54
I do. It was completely irresponsible to let something like that get started. But it's done now. Just like allowing tens of thousands of "asylum seekers" pour into the country. It's stupid but it's being done and it can't seem to be stopped.

12-19-2018, 08:12
What's this about headspace in an SMLE? Everyone knows that rear lug guns are of an inferior design for longevity because the receiver will stretch the same way that a longer rope stretches more than a shorter one. Short bolt throw is at best a pedestrian virtue. All praise to the Mauser brothers for showing us the way.

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Bump stocks: you wonder what other possibilities will be discovered in existing law going this same route. Congress should have done it, not the DOJ+BATFE.

Vern Humphrey
12-19-2018, 08:32
I'm with Sam just don't know what to think , but sometimes we may have to bend a little.


Bend a little in the shower and see what happens.

This is a horrible precedent -- taking private property without due process of law.

And WHY? What will this accomplish? Nothing!

12-19-2018, 09:19

JB White
12-19-2018, 09:29
What's this about headspace in an SMLE? Everyone knows that rear lug guns are of an inferior design for longevity because the receiver will stretch the same way that a longer rope stretches more than a shorter one. Short bolt throw is at best a pedestrian virtue. All praise to the Mauser brothers for showing us the way.

Feeling a little facetious today, are we?

12-19-2018, 09:49
Feeling a little facetious today, are we?

Tongue firmly in cheek.

12-19-2018, 09:58
I wonder if this was a case of Trump the hotelier out-ranking Trump the politician.

12-19-2018, 10:03
Bump stocks got around the automatic weapons ban on a technicality. I was surprised they weren’t banned from the very beginning.

12-19-2018, 11:37
Bump stocks got around the automatic weapons ban on a technicality. I was surprised they weren’t banned from the very beginning.

Agree. but they weren't. A worthless piece of plastic but they were deemed by the BATF as legal. Now they are admitting their mistake and not offering any compensation, just banning. What's next? Criminals are NOT affected by bans, restrictions and laws.

12-19-2018, 11:44
"...BATF deemed these things legal..." Not their place, job or mandate to make laws about anything. They're unelected civil servants.
It's highly unlikely The Donald even knows what a 'bump stock' is. This is most likely one of his staffers, who may be colluding with your Democrats(Schumer, Feinstein and Pelosi), to pass useless legislation. Or possibly as a bribe to get The Donald his Wall money.
"...taking private property without due process of law..." Precedent was already set. Done when the ATF confiscated the semi-auto M-14 receivers after they came up with their "Once an MG, always an MG" dogma, several years ago.
"...inferior design for longevity..." Nonsense. The SMLE design is still being used by Indian Police, et al. No other bolt action battle rifle can make that claim.

12-19-2018, 05:31
First question is how many people actually own a bump stock? Second question is how many actually use it? I suspect that this ruling realistically affects about 10 people in the country.
Also, cant think of an example but I suspect there have been many items that were legal and then became illegal.

12-19-2018, 05:50
I was going to add the bigger concern in my opinion is something like the 10 round mag capacity law recently put into affect in New Jersey. Apparently It is a felony.

Clark Howard
12-19-2018, 06:10
Simply another mindless trespass by the government on the rights and responsibilities of the common citizen. On one hand, we are releasing convicted criminals from incarceration, simply because they belong to a client minority, while we are wasting time banning a plastic device that is of little use to anyone. Members of a duly elected administration are being hounded by false charges and unhinged innuendo, while multiple members of the guilty losers are given a pass by our very own judicial and law enforcement agencies. Local governments are ignoring Federal law at their convenience, with no repercussions from any quarter. The xxxxxxx and their ilk must be thrilled beyond ecstasy. Regards, Clark

12-19-2018, 06:16
Automatic weapons were once legal to own.

I personally know of one bump stock and it’s actually owned by a cop. I was there when he fired it and the rapid fire capability is impressive.

12-19-2018, 07:11
Automatic weapons were once legal to own.

I personally know of one bump stock and it’s actually owned by a cop. I was there when he fired it and the rapid fire capability is impressive.

But since you hold the weapon loosely can you actually hit anything? I can see how the bump stock was effective for the Vegas shooter because he shot into a solid city block of meat. People standing shoulder to shoulder couldn't be missed nor could they run but how many other situations would it be usable?

I think this is why the BATF declared them as legal in the first place. Perhaps they saw them as a novelty item more so than a weapon of mass murder.

I suppose the trigger cranks will fall under the same new ruling. BTW I've noticed that sellers on Gun Broker are still selling or trying to sell the bump stocks. Maybe they are just trying to rid their inventory? I see them listed from $130 to $200.

Vern Humphrey
12-19-2018, 07:34
If you have a Ruger MK I through IV, hold the gun in your left hand, stick your right forefinger into the trigger guard and rotate it rapidly. You can empty the magazine in a fraction of a second.

12-19-2018, 08:57
What's this about headspace in an SMLE? Everyone knows that rear lug guns are of an inferior design for longevity because the receiver will stretch the same way that a longer rope stretches more than a shorter one. Short bolt throw is at best a pedestrian virtue. All praise to the Mauser brothers for showing us the way.

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Bump stocks: you wonder what other possibilities will be discovered in existing law going this same route. Congress should have done it, not the DOJ+BATFE.

Wooo Tex, everyone knows if headspace goes on the Kings majestic rifle on a 0 bolt head you replace it with a 1, then a 2, then a three....It’s that simple , kinda like stacking Lincoln Logs.....(disregard this hogwash it’s done to confuse Tex,). Carry on

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But since you hold the weapon loosely can you actually hit anything? I can see how the bump stock was effective for the Vegas shooter because he shot into a solid city block of meat. People standing shoulder to shoulder couldn't be missed nor could they run but how many other situations would it be usable?

I think this is why the BATF declared them as legal in the first place. Perhaps they saw them as a novelty item more so than a weapon of mass murder.

I suppose the trigger cranks will fall under the same new ruling. BTW I've noticed that sellers on Gun Broker are still selling or trying to sell the bump stocks. Maybe they are just trying to rid their inventory? I see them listed from $130 to $200.

Buddy was good at hooking his thumb in his belt loop and bump firinghis AK. Sounded impressive, but he mainly made noise and farmed the yard,

12-19-2018, 09:07
First question is how many people actually own a bump stock? Second question is how many actually use it? I suspect that this ruling realistically affects about 10 people in the country.
Also, cant think of an example but I suspect there have been many items that were legal and then became illegal.

uzi bolts
HK trigger housings,
various other gun parts that have been deemed NFA and yet, on there own, or in some cases installed in a semi gun, do not make it a MG

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Automatic weapons were once legal to own.

I personally know of one bump stock and it’s actually owned by a cop. I was there when he fired it and the rapid fire capability is impressive.

they still are in many states,

JB White
12-20-2018, 07:01
If you have a Ruger MK I through IV, hold the gun in your left hand, stick your right forefinger into the trigger guard and rotate it rapidly. You can empty the magazine in a fraction of a second.

In my late 20's I had a Marlin/Glenfield 60 that I could "bump fire" into a pile of railroad ties. Wore that sucker out twice. Replaced with fresh parts once. The second time it wasn't worth it. Not for a $59.95 rifle.
But....at least I got my cheap "go-fast jollies" out of my system.

I won't be wrecking my Ruger MkII, but thanks for the tip all the same. :)

12-20-2018, 12:11
Look what New Jersey just did 18 months in jail and a $10,000 fine for any magazine over 10 rds

12-20-2018, 04:48
It would be a hoot if the first person nailed in NJ is some little old widower who calls the police for a noise in the basement. Thats where the police find her deceased husbands stash of 15 round M1 carbine mags that he got from the CMP decades ago.
I had heard, cant confirm, that something like that happened in Massacusetts years ago when they passed the mandatory year in jail if you have a firearm without an FID card. First person nailed was a old lady crossing a street in rural Ma to shoot a rat in her barn.

S.A. Boggs
12-21-2018, 01:44
This problem is the creation of the BATF and should return to them. Compensation for the turn in of the stocks should be paid out of their budget, not the general fund. It is unethical to confiscate without compensation. Who signed off that this "part" was legal in the first place?

01-04-2019, 05:45
[QUOTE=Vern Humphrey;546783...

This is a horrible precedent -- taking private property without due process of law.


If there is no due process the Court will have its say. The Supremes are pretty strong on property rights and the fifth amendment provisions regarding them.


01-04-2019, 06:28
It's them for THEM to start bending for US!
The magazine ban legislation in NJ failed to make an LEO exemption, so theoretically cops could be prosecuted for using/carrying a duty magazine off-duty.
The main goal is to create a Surveillance and Snitch society, sow fear, mistrust.
You take a forbidden magazine-or a bump stock, wipe it clean, plant it and maybe a couple of nickel bags in the trunk of an anti-gunner, then....

01-06-2019, 07:50
OK guys, here it is. Do you support the President’s bump stock ban?

It didn't originate with him. His advisors polled the question and something like 46% of Americans support the ban and another 30% don't give a $h!t which means the ban is unopposed by over 75% of Americans. Trump said OK, I'll go along.

The bump stock is worthless anyway. It has been proven worthless along with the full auto M-14 that didn't work and the M-16 which has been restricted to a 3 round burst for a reason. A shooter with an off the shelf AR firing aimed shots, is round for round far deadlier than somebody using a bump stock. The "ban," is pretty much meaningless because a couple of rubber bands and a piece of velcro will make about any semi-auto do the same thing.

Vern Humphrey
01-09-2019, 08:47
OK guys, here it is. Do you support the President’s bump stock ban?

No. It violates both the 2nd and 5th Amendments (since it takes private property without due process of law or compensation.)

01-09-2019, 09:44
It's them for THEM to start bending for US!
The magazine ban legislation in NJ failed to make an LEO exemption, so theoretically cops could be prosecuted for using/carrying a duty magazine off-duty.
The main goal is to create a Surveillance and Snitch society, sow fear, mistrust.
You take a forbidden magazine-or a bump stock, wipe it clean, plant it and maybe a couple of nickel bags in the trunk of an anti-gunner, then....

I spoke to a gentleman today that left NJ years ago, his brother is some kind of LEO , still in NJ, and was told he had to turn in all his high cap mags for his off duty guns,
then he told me the Gov signed some addendum to the law that said off duty LEO could carry a high cap mag as long as it was 17 rnds or less,

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It didn't originate with him. His advisors polled the question and something like 46% of Americans support the ban and another 30% don't give a $h!t which means the ban is unopposed by over 75% of Americans. Trump said OK, I'll go along.

The bump stock is worthless anyway. It has been proven worthless along with the full auto M-14 that didn't work and the M-16 which has been restricted to a 3 round burst for a reason. A shooter with an off the shelf AR firing aimed shots, is round for round far deadlier than somebody using a bump stock. The "ban," is pretty much meaningless because a couple of rubber bands and a piece of velcro will make about any semi-auto do the same thing.

here is what really hurts us, re the bump stocks,

I spoke to a young man the other day,
he had asked me what he should do with his bump stock,

I told him to do some research , and see if there was a place designated to turn them in or what the process was, (I have not looked for that info, since I don't and did not sell them)
Guy comments that he had misplaced the original parts to his AR, so would have to replace them, and that he hunted Coyotes with his AR,

Bump Stock installed,,,,

He said that if he missed the Yote with the first couple shots he used the bumpstock and cranked them out,,

since I work retail, and for a company during the day that is not my own , I just commented he may want to practice his marksmanship skills a bit more, and not use a bumpstock for hunting,

fools like that are what cause the headlines, issues, drama, and give the rest of us a bad name