View Full Version : Grip Medallion Removal

Major Tom
12-19-2018, 04:28
I have a Ruger SA whose grips need to be freshened up. Process will involve sanding and refinish. The grip medallions seem to 'staked' in place. How to remove them without damaging the wood? Thank you

JB White
12-19-2018, 05:30
If memory serves, they are staked through a hole and the plastic is "peened" on the inside? If so, then use a soldering iron or woodburning pencil to melt the plastic so it can be pushed out. Take extra care not to chip the edges of the mortise on the finish side. A good soaking with mineral spirits and tracing the edges VERY carefully with a fine X-acto blade should help. That is providing the medallion isn't glued in as well.
To be totally honest I have never needed to remove a Ruger medallion before but I have on a couple of other firearms.

Tip: Steam out as many dings as possible. It cuts down on the amount of sanding and won't leave the medallion standing proud when you reinstall. You may need to slightly scrape the mortise to get it flush fitting.
A dab of two part epoxy will hold it once you're ready to commit. Allow the squeeze-out to go through the existing hole and not seep up around the edges. The edges can later be sealed with your final finish.

12-20-2018, 12:19
some are peened to hold them in, some have a steel backer that is the medallion is peened to,

either way, go easy, and they should come out,

and yes, some are glued

Major Tom
12-21-2018, 04:04
A tip from a gunsmith friend of mine. He has refinished many Ruger SA grips. What he recommends is 2 or 3 layers of masking tape over the medallions and using an Exacto knife carefully cut the tape around the medallions. Since that area of the grips is relatively flat, there is no problem with sanding and the medallions are protected quite well. I did this and was very easy to do. I sanded out a few 'waves' in the wood too. Applied several coats of Tru-Oil and they look like new.

JB White
12-21-2018, 10:43
Hey, it worked! Pays to ask around.
How's the wood to metal fit around the grip frame? Too late to mention it really, but a forewarning was due even if only a reminder. Did you remember to watch for that?

Major Tom
12-25-2018, 03:41
Wood to metal fit is good. I'm a a stickler for good fitting wood.

JB White
12-25-2018, 04:24
Wood to metal fit is good. I'm a a stickler for good fitting wood.

I know that feeling :)