View Full Version : I think Wal Mart is trying to go out of business

12-19-2018, 07:47
Just came back from WM on this busy shopping night (12/19). When I went to check out @ around 6:30pm the genius store manager decided to close all the registers but 2. 1 was left open for "20 items or less" and many (probably a dozen) were converted to self-check which nobody wants to use. Of all times of the year to pull such a stunt. I don't know if they laid a lot of people off or what but there was only 3 manned cashiers in the whole store and this is one of the big Wal Marts with about 25 registers or so. As it is I have to shop at least 2 different WM's to find what I need. Not all of them carry the same items. For a long time the shelves have been bare of many things and now this battle for check out. It took longer to check out than it did to shop. I have used the self check for one or two items but for a cart full of stuff it is not feasible . You have to go and get an empty cart to transfer everything due to no counter space.

Perhaps these "ghost town" WM's are a result of the minimum wage going up?

Just a short rant and wondering if they are this bad nation wide or just here.

12-19-2018, 07:55
We noticed a shortage of cashiers at several WM stores. I use the self check out almost exclusively now because of this and so do lots of other shoppers so now even that area gets crowded. The lines are much too long at the manned registers. I’ll sometimes check out at the auto service counter or at the sporting goods counter if I only have a few items.

Vern Humphrey
12-19-2018, 08:33
With all the pressure to raise the minimum wage, expect Wal Mart -- and virtually all other chains to go exclusively to self-checkout in the future.

What good does it do to raise the minimum wage, if there are no more minimum wage jobs?

12-19-2018, 08:56
My WM does have a worker at the self check outs to assist dummies like me with these machines.

JB White
12-19-2018, 09:26
A single worker to assist. How many self checks? Each unmanned checkout represents the loss of an American job and...
Nobody is paying into Social Security.
Nobody is paying taxes except the buyer paying sales tax.
A buyer who is temporarily working for the store checking and bagging for no pay.

S.A. Boggs
12-20-2018, 02:42
Our daughter is one of the "yellow canaries" in charge of 4 self checkouts and works a full week. Ask to speak to the store manager or call the regional manager and complain. I have seen co-managers man a register during peak times. Blame Bentonville as they set how much each store can use for help, call their 800 number. Ask to speak to a supervisor, not the person who answers the phone and lodge a complaint. A record is kept of complaints, also send a registered letter to the CEO and complain. A squeaky wheel gets the lube! I use the self checkout when my daughter is there as I am still green, otherwise the other registers.

Major Tom
12-20-2018, 06:00
Same at our Wally World! During peak shopping hours, Walmart stockers completely block aisles with cargo carriers. How stupid! Stock the dang shelves in early morning!

12-20-2018, 07:02
Same at our Wally World! During peak shopping hours, Walmart stockers completely block aisles with cargo carriers. How stupid! Stock the dang shelves in early morning!

Some of these cargo carriers are employees who are filling orders for phone in customers who pick up at the "to go" door. This is a new service by WM but it is another nail in their coffin. These employees are under the gun to fill multiple orders as quickly as possible so they block aisles, shove in front of you and other rude acts to get their job done. It is sometimes very hard to shop around this obstacle.

As far as Sam's comment about phoning in a complaint, I'm sure they take count but the actual message would go to deaf ears. People already complain. Nobody is going to call to give a compliment. Still the problems get worse and worse. Soon self check will be the only way to pay and some poor cashier will have to oversee them all. I have spoken to some of these ladies and they don't like it either having to oversee 4-6-8 registers at once. Some buyers make honest mistakes but many try to bypass the scanner to get freebies so the one and only cashier has a lot to look out for. With a few missed items at the scanner it would pay WM to put a person at a register. Then, as mentioned before, there is no counter space to put scanned items. I typically spend between $300-$400 for a cart of stuff. I will never try to use self check with more than a half dozen items. The only reason I shop at WM now is because of the variety of items other than food but with increasing bare shelves it has become a hit or miss as to whether the store will have your item or not.

Getting back to phoning in a complaint. If the long lines at the only manned cashiers don't tell them the story nothing will. People complain at the store and most avoid the self checks hence the long lines at the operational cashiers. Lowes and Home Depot have them too but no one here will use them.

We have alternatives some good, some not so good but I see people switching to these other stores in droves. Still WM continues with their little games. The direction they are heading will place them in line with Amazon where you order on-line and go pick up your stuff at the window when they get back with you and you never enter the building.

12-20-2018, 08:33
Where's the beef! We all jump up and down about prices. Everyone wants the retailer to stock and price items at the best possible price we are willing to pay with immediate availability. We want knowledgeable friendly and personable service just like a Mom and Pop store ... which we don't frequent b/c that M&P shop is more expensive. We jump up and down about having to pay taxes on the purchase b/c we don't like what the tax revenue is used to fund. We don't want to pay shipping, etc. if we order the product or service on line and of course we don't want to pay tax on the purchase. Now Wal-Mart is looking and find yet another way to make retail sales profitable. It is eliminating service people supposedly b/c of a raise in the minimum wage. The logic fails. Self-check was already in place long before the minimum wage was raised. It was just the next step in a long series of steps taken to reduce costs. It is no different than when big box stores let us carry our own groceries to the car, eliminated tipping all in the name of lowering costs, etc., etc., etc. Where's the beef! Sincerely. bruce.

JB White
12-20-2018, 09:37
"Where's the beef?"


It's that little brown spot in the middle of a whirlwind of bread and bull$hit. It's a vicious cycle and it sucks. The grocery store by my house did away with the self checkouts. Instead they put in a quick check using a few new registers. A single line/queue with several checkers at a no frills checkout counter. (no conveyor) A bag rack where the clerk slides the goods into the bag and when full, pops it loose to a shelf where a 'bagger' moves down the line grabbing bags and placing them back into the cart.

It's fast and low cost. Employees, although fewer in number, are earning wages and paying taxes as well as paying into Social Security. Prices may be a couple of cents higher but peoples jobs haven't been eliminated. A fair trade-off IMO.

12-20-2018, 09:44
Why wouldn't a company automate if it improves profitability? Robots don't need to be paid or take holidays.

12-20-2018, 10:01
Why wouldn't a company automate if it improves profitability? Robots don't need to be paid or take holidays.

...or health insurance?

JB White
12-20-2018, 10:11
You do realize both of you have just contradicted yourselves in regard to previous threads? You know. The ones where you defended a $15 minimum wage and Obamacare.
The ones out of work due to the robots are the ones demanding those things. I can only afford to pay just so much for welfare before I will need it myself. I hope you guys are earning a whole lot more than my pension payout because somebody will have to pay for me.

Thanks in advance! ;)

12-20-2018, 10:43
Not so, JB. I'm speaking to forces in play. Companies have a drive to maximize profits, and those people who are in the work force have incentives to maximize pay. One can speak to the forces without aligning themselves wholly with either. Surely there are plenty of topics where you examine multiple facets. You're clearly capable.

12-20-2018, 10:53
At, not @, around 6:30pm the genius store manager just sent all his minimum wage employees to dinner. And at $7.25 per hour, Alabama's minimum wage, Wally World is lucky to be able to find anybody to work there.
Those self-check outs, that work just fine, don't take breaks.
The reality of the whole thing is that if you don't like what Wally World does, shop elsewhere.
Is the stuff sold is U.S. Wal-Marts all made in China or SEA too?

12-20-2018, 11:15
Robots dont pay Medicare benefits either.

I dont recall advocating a minimum wage, but Medicare is something that is of interest to even those here that decry socialism!

Condratiction abounds, which is why we are not purely capitalistic, that I have said.

12-20-2018, 11:32
Those self-check outs, that work just fine, don't take breaks.

Not the ones I've tried several times to use when the lines to the checkers were too long--ALWAYS some hang-up that requires me to wait for someone to come over & straighten it out.

Talking about the grocery store, not Walmart, which I'll NEVER enter again after their contemptible & cowardly withdrawal of support from the new Mississippi Senator because the Dems called her, a white woman proud of her heritage, a racist! Even asked her to return their contribution, which I hope she does not. Do YOU want to continue patronizing such a company?

12-20-2018, 01:02
My daughter is a CPA she has Amazon Prime and has everything delivered to her house same items you purchase at Walmart except food She keeps telling me its cheaper and easy i wonder if more people are doing this why Walmart is cutting back ?

12-20-2018, 01:17
Same at our Wally World! During peak shopping hours, Walmart stockers completely block aisles with cargo carriers. How stupid! Stock the dang shelves in early morning!

they are replenishers,
fancy word for stocker,.

and needed,

when I was in the grocery business, on the foodstamp days I had a crew that stocked all day,
had to, certain commodities would sell out in an hour or 3, if you did not have someone replenish them, you might as well shut the doors by noon

and that was running a full overnight stock crew too

Major Tom
12-21-2018, 05:09
As an add-on, why does Walmart move their products around practically every other day? I can never find what I want (where it used to be) and those "replenishers" don't know squat!

k arga
12-21-2018, 05:44
Makes you look at everything on the shelves looking for what you want, you buy more tidbits that way.

12-21-2018, 05:47
As an add-on, why does Walmart move their products around practically every other day? I can never find what I want (where it used to be) and those "replenishers" don't know squat!

I thought that was only done here too. They move everything around except the bathrooms. I've asked why several times throughout the years and the only believable answer I've gotten was "it gives us job security".

To compound matters, not all WM's stock the same items. Especially when going to a smaller store (one w/o an automotive center) you may spend a lot of time looking for something that they don't even have.

12-21-2018, 08:57
I thought that was only done here too. They move everything around except the bathrooms. I've asked why several times throughout the years and the only believable answer I've gotten was "it gives us job security".

To compound matters, not all WM's stock the same items. Especially when going to a smaller store (one w/o an automotive center) you may spend a lot of time looking for something that they don't even have.

Bigger question is, why do business with a company that tried to elect a Democrat to the Senate from Mississippi?

Nothing sold at WM that can't be found somewhere else or on-line.

12-21-2018, 09:28
Bigger question is, why do business with a company that tried to elect a Democrat to the Senate from Mississippi?

Nothing sold at WM that can't be found somewhere else or on-line.

It's hard not to shop at WM since they have run all the mom and pop stores out of business but I certainly won't go back to the store mentioned above. If they all become self check then I will avoid them all. I did not know they were into politics. This is something that should be better known to everyone. I did know that Amazon made the statement that they would only hire illegals--so I don't do business with them any longer. Starbucks is pro hillary/liberal and anti-Trump so I have not and will not ever enter one of their facilities.

12-21-2018, 09:29
As an add-on, why does Walmart move their products around practically every other day? I can never find what I want (where it used to be) and those "replenishers" don't know squat!

displays are planned for a sales period, or changed as they sell out if a one time item,

marketing\merchandising calls for things to be moved every so often, keeps the displays fresh, and honestly, if it sets too long, it becomes wallpaper,
as in people walk by and never see it

if you are talking about shelf stock, they are reset in most grocers on a periodic basis for season or new items to be added or replace discontinued stuff

12-21-2018, 11:02
I did know that Amazon made the statement that they would only hire illegals--so I don't do business with them any longer. Starbucks is pro hillary/liberal and anti-Trump so I have not and will not ever enter one of their facilities.

Seen the new Amazon ad showing a black & white couple with their two little Afro-heads? Charming; but of course only one of many on TV promoting mongrelization of the white race.

I never buy anything on Amazon because the same thing can almost always be found on ebay at about the same price; not that the management of ebay is any less liberal than that of Amazon, but they act only as facilitators--the goods are sold & handled by private individuals.

I wouldn't want to be seen walking past such a yuppie hangout as Starbucks for fear I was thought to be a customer. Except that I wish I had been in the one whose manager was fired for throwing out the two black loiterers, so I could have congratulated her for her courage.

Vern Humphrey
12-21-2018, 11:35
It's hard not to shop at WM since they have run all the mom and pop stores out of business
No, the CUSTOMERS put the Mom and Pop stores out of business. If you want to keep Mom and Pop in business, keep shopping there.

JB White
12-21-2018, 11:38
Seen the new Amazon ad showing a black & white couple with their two little Afro-heads? Charming; but of course only one of many on TV promoting mongrelization of the white race.

Funny how it works. I heard a black guy say similar about white people diluting the blacks out of America. Apparently neither side is happy about it.

12-21-2018, 12:55
Funny how it works. I heard a black guy say similar about white people diluting the blacks out of America.

He ain't lying! The liberal agenda includes no objective more urgent than ending "white privilege" by transforming the population into a mulatto nation. Same thing going on in Europe by the race-traitors doing everything possible to encourage invasion from central Africa.

12-21-2018, 03:05
Yes, customers drove the mom and pop stores and local and regional chains out of business.
No Wal-Mart for me, I don't like they way they treat their employees.
No Starbucks for me, don't like their politics. Ditto no Amazon.
Self checkout ? They probably have a hard time getting employees to work when they're scheduled, stay for their shift-show up for work sober. "Managers" are probably new hires, poorly trained-if at all.

12-21-2018, 10:09
when I was in the grocery business, the company I worked for had a national meeting
we had the CEO of starbucks speak,

was supposed to be motivational,
it was not,

that guy is fukked in the head

12-22-2018, 09:14
Reminds me lyman of all-company meetings where the stockroom guys swear that the CEO doesn't know what he's talking about. And yet, unless one believes wholly in dumb luck, there has to be a reason why one guy is in the stockroom and the other guy is CEO.

JB White
12-22-2018, 09:40
Reminds me lyman of all-company meetings where the stockroom guys swear that the CEO doesn't know what he's talking about. And yet, unless one believes wholly in dumb luck, there has to be a reason why one guy is in the stockroom and the other guy is CEO.

Armchair quarterbacks and barstool baseball managers all need a place to work. On the other hand, many CEO's are placed there for the title. Usually patronage. Sometimes as a hatchet man.

12-22-2018, 09:44
JB, casting aspersions on the ownership class? Dear me.

12-22-2018, 09:48
Armchair quarterbacks and barstool baseball managers all need a place to work. On the other hand, many CEO's are placed there for the title. Usually patronage. Sometimes as a hatchet man.

In most of my previous jobs CEO's and others that got promoted were always friends or relatives of upper managers or owners.

JB White
12-22-2018, 09:54
JB, casting aspersions on the ownership class? Dear me.

See what Allen said? ^^^
Those have been a few of my observations as well. I worked for one outfit in particular where the "kids" took their turn at the helm in a scheduled rotation. Another had a change in leadership one month after the wedding... At times "CEO" is little more than a temporary title with a hefty salary and pension.

12-22-2018, 10:42
God I hate to say it, JB, but.....Trump, Inc. When you're right, you're right, and I think you are right.

12-22-2018, 10:45
this was a corporate meeting, Store Manager level and above,
meaning DM's, Buyers, Regional managers etc etc,
I don't think anyone was happy with his talk, including the CEO (heard that thru the grapevine, so who knows)

and yes, the CEO of the company I worked for was the son of one of exec's, his replacement was handpicked, but not of that family,

JB White
12-22-2018, 10:54
God I hate to say it, JB, but.....Trump, Inc. When you're right, you're right, and I think you are right.

From the Gospel according to the late Richard J. Daley:

If a man can't put his arms around his sons and help them, then what's the world coming to?
They have vilified me, they have crucified me; yes, they have even criticized me.
F*ck you, you Jew son of a bitch, you lousy mother-f*cker, go home.

Words of wisdom from the last of the honest thieving Democrats. ;)

12-22-2018, 11:58
From the Gospel according to the late Richard J. Daley:

Words of wisdom from the last of the honest thieving Democrats. ;)

Still a crime what happened to Meigs Field to support Daley's wife!

JB White
12-22-2018, 12:03
Still a crime what happened to Meigs Field to support Daley's wife!

Typical liberal. Move into a different neighborhood and complain about the view. "Richie, I think an expensive park attached to the other parks would look nicer. Don't you? Say yes."
No sooner do they cave into her whims she kicks the bucket.

Only upside is the air traffic redirected to Palwaukee Airport. An economic shot in the arm for the Paletine area. Now it's called Chicago Executive Airport. Businessmen must travel an hour extra to their meetings by freeway and local streets instead of a 10 minute cab ride into the Loop. More $ker-ching$ but more congested traffic and pollution.

Former Cav
12-27-2018, 11:26
I went to the local grocery store (Frys...owned by Krogers) and they had 2 registers with LIVE people running them.
out of 14. The other EIGHT were self checkout.
I figured I'd do the self checkout thing instead of standing in the big lines behind the 2 registers!!
after all... I had all products with a bar code on them (no veggies... nothing needed to be weighed) What could possibly go wrong?
So, I don't like the plastic bags where everything rolls out of them, so I put a paper bag on the bag / merchandise scale and the machine goes ballistic. The lights FLASH and now I have to wait for someone to come and do a "reset"
So the guy comes, punches in his code on his handheld device and takes off. Well, the scale merchandise area will hold maybe 4 items!!! I got a gallon of bleech, (that's one slot), a gallon of vinegar (that's another slot) and I DO NOT want them both in ONE bag!! So the lights flash again. Well, about a 1/2 hour later I was loading my cart and making a move to get the he11 out of there.
The kid comes by and I says to him: "I know what this bullchit is all about. lay off people, so the CEO will get another BONUS, and everyone else can go to he11".
Guess, next time I'll just stand in line too. I noticed they took the magazines away. I'll have to bring my own reading material.

12-27-2018, 11:55
I went to the local grocery store (Frys...owned by Krogers) and they had 2 registers with LIVE people running them.
out of 14. The other EIGHT were self checkout.
I figured I'd do the self checkout thing instead of standing in the big lines behind the 2 registers!!
after all... I had all products with a bar code on them (no veggies... nothing needed to be weighed) What could possibly go wrong?
So, I don't like the plastic bags where everything rolls out of them, so I put a paper bag on the bag / merchandise scale and the machine goes ballistic. The lights FLASH and now I have to wait for someone to come and do a "reset"
So the guy comes, punches in his code on his handheld device and takes off. Well, the scale merchandise area will hold maybe 4 items!!! I got a gallon of bleech, (that's one slot), a gallon of vinegar (that's another slot) and I DO NOT want them both in ONE bag!! So the lights flash again. Well, about a 1/2 hour later I was loading my cart and making a move to get the he11 out of there.
The kid comes by and I says to him: "I know what this bullchit is all about. lay off people, so the CEO will get another BONUS, and everyone else can go to he11".
Guess, next time I'll just stand in line too. I noticed they took the magazines away. I'll have to bring my own reading material.

I used to manage a building for the parent company,

self checkouts are great, for some, suck for others and a big shrink pic (lots of theft thru the self checkout)

the CEO is a numbers guy, the last CEO was a HR guy,
guess which was better to work for,,,, and which the company did better under,
yep, the HR guy (family promoted him to the top, turned out to be a good guy )

turnover is relatively high in that industry, so lay offs (and they are a union company) are rare,

as far as bonuses,, all management got them, if the metrics for your store were good,
I usually maxed out, and they were very good bonuses,,,

it's one of the few things I miss about that business

12-28-2018, 11:10
(lots of theft thru the self checkout)

Not theft, but getting even for lack of sufficient checkers.

JB White
12-28-2018, 11:49
Not theft, but getting even for lack of sufficient checkers.

There is no theft because they have a second tier of checkers at the exit. You know...the barely articulate ones who can scan the goods while proof reading a barely legible receipt in a couple of micro seconds. Then slashing a highlighter marker across it with the special secret color of the day. Oooooooohh...that scares the shoplifters. Especially the ones who walk out unopposed while shoppers are waiting in line to prove they are not the thieves.

12-28-2018, 11:54
No, the CUSTOMERS put the Mom and Pop stores out of business. If you want to keep Mom and Pop in business, keep shopping there.

Yes and no.

When a new WM opens they have employees crawling all over each other. All the full serve registers are manned and they are waiting for you, not the other way around. The shelves are well stocked and kept stocked.

How can you not help but shop at such a place?

Then, after a short while (weeks or months) you notice that things are changing and going to the ghost town conditions listed previously. You try to trade at the Mom and Pop stores but they have left. Some close on their own feeling it would just be inevitable before customers would choose 24/7 convenience and wide variety over them. Some who are successful end up selling out. When I worked at the refinery we worked 12 hour rotating shifts with no means to leave the place at lunch time and few of us packed a lunch due to the short turnaround at home so we took turns and went to WM early in the mornings (when on day shifts) and cooked in the control rooms. This was done around 4am on the way in to work so here again they had the advantage over the Mom and Pop stores. At a place this big you are talking about hundreds of people too.

We do have smaller chain stores that are doing impressive business now, most may be regional and unheard of across the country like Winn Dixie, Piggly Wiggly, and the best, Publix, who started out charging sky high prices and have now seen the light. They have been here for years and still operate like a newly opened WM with an abundance of cashiers and even baggers. They just don't have the non-food variety like auto supplies, hardware, electronics and so on. For that I just go to O'Reilly's auto parts, Lowes, Home Depot, Best Buy and such. Though I don't shop there I hear that the dollar stores are doing better than before business too.

Not meaning to bite the hand that feeds Sam and his family. I have friends who work at WM, my son worked there a couple of summers as a cashier when in high school and I know people who work there just for the great insurance. The problem is there are fewer and fewer of them in the stores. Too few.

12-28-2018, 01:31
If you are going to shop at Wallie World get smart. Go early. Wife wanted a few things last night and I advised her to make a list. I wake up every day around 5 or 6 A.M. Left the house at 6:30 AM almost filled up a cart,(some for my Church Pantry) they had two check out lines open plus self check. Stockers were there and one I spoke to had been there since 10:00 PM Thursday night. Isles were pretty clear. No one was ahead of me , checked out, parked close by and was back home by 7:30. I know some of you don't have the opportunity to shop early, unless you are retired, but it's the way I shop. If wife is along it's pure torture . Looks at everything pushes cart on left side of aisle and walks to slow for me. My opinion driving rules apply. Right side of aisle as you do in a car. Let me make this clear, she is a great lady. Has to be to put up with some of the crap I pulled off ...


12-28-2018, 02:24
FYI I have shopped at this time and it is a good time to shop. If there is a manned cashier and if it is a "20 items or less" aisle it doesn't matter since it will probably be the only one open (or needed).

But, during my crazy hours of the past I have been to WM at all times. If you go between about midnight till 4:00am the store is open but you can not walk down the aisles because they are cleaning with propane powered sweepers and shampooers. The aisles are roped off and being stocked usually by contractors in street clothing. There are boxes and pallets everywhere. Many will ask what you need and offer to go get it for you but you have to know what aisle your item is in.

This part I'm not complaining about since the shelves have to be restocked and the stores are kept clean. I just brought it up in case you may have thought "hey, I'll just go during the wee hours of the morning and have the place to myself".

12-28-2018, 04:50
There is no theft because they have a second tier of checkers at the exit.

Not at grocery stores.

12-28-2018, 05:26
FYI I have shopped at this time and it is a good time to shop. If there is a manned cashier and if it is a "20 items or less" aisle it doesn't matter since it will probably be the only one open (or needed).

I thought I made it clear that cashiers were there and self check was also there. Walmart in my town does not stay open after 12:00. They open at 6:00 AM. Maybe I'm lucky to live in a small town..
With that, "So Mote It Be"


12-28-2018, 05:49
While I wasn't disputing your word I guess it looked that way. I write from my experiences here and assume they're the same all over. I've been to the store many times in the early hours (4-5am) and had to wait at the only register that had a light on and wait for a cashier to show up. All the WM's I shop at are open 24/7, only closing on Christmas morning for a few hours but some do close at 11 or 12pm mostly in cities that have a few that run 24 hours. Things may have changed recently but when I shopped very early the self checks were not open due to needing a human to oversee them. These 24hr stores traditionally operate with a skeleton crew during off peak hours. My most recent findings are they have started doing that during the busy hours as well, even at Christmas. I've been advised by some employees that the plans are for all the stores to go to self check system with only one or two manned registers like I mentioned with my first comment. The trend here is that the smaller chain grocery stores are coming back to life.

12-28-2018, 07:58
Not theft, but getting even for lack of sufficient checkers.

theft is theft,

your getting even is still theft,

even it the self checkout attendant is busy with someone else,

and yes, I have prosecuted for it, and won,,,

12-28-2018, 09:06
your getting even is still theft, -

My girlfriend works at a Big Store. As a boot camp Greeter she asked a Mexican to see his receit. He knocked her down and got away(not a big getaway,since he just went to the parking lot and got in his car and drove away). After the tears and stress she learned you don't intervene. Since then she has witnessed numerous theft's. Maybe for fun, I'll hang around the Big Store and be a detective.
I've thought about the leniency that big stores accept. I could walk out and wave a receit from a week or so ago and be gold. I don't do that. And neither do the majority of Americans, well except those schooled elsewhere.

06-17-2019, 06:59
17 stores is not a big deal but it may show a reverse trend.

Management just doesn't understand nor do they want to understand. Even the WM employee's complain about conditions.


06-17-2019, 08:47
your getting even is still theft, -

My girlfriend works at a Big Store. As a boot camp Greeter she asked a Mexican to see his receit. He knocked her down and got away(not a big getaway,since he just went to the parking lot and got in his car and drove away). After the tears and stress she learned you don't intervene. Since then she has witnessed numerous theft's. Maybe for fun, I'll hang around the Big Store and be a detective.
I've thought about the leniency that big stores accept. I could walk out and wave a receit from a week or so ago and be gold. I don't do that. And neither do the majority of Americans, well except those schooled elsewhere.

it is about percentages,

the shrink percentage that is acceptable by corporate may be higher, or lower , than what that store has,

while some areas have higher shoplifting rates than others, fact is more shrink is caused by paperwork errors, shipping\receiving issues and employee stupidity in more stores that shoplifting is,,

also, employee theft is usually about the same rate percent wise as customer theft