View Full Version : range report on Roadkingtrax recommendation for M1a reduced load

Former Cav
12-21-2018, 01:17
41-42gr of 4064, 125SMK or TNT bullet, Any Case, and a CCI #34.

Very light recoil, the heavier the rifle the better too!

I loaded up 20 rounds of 125 speer TNT bullets, used 42.0 grains of IMR 4064, LC brass once fired, and a standard large rifle winchester brand primer.
DId this on my dillon 550 b press.
62 degrees, slightly overcast, and virtually no wind.
Hi 2602, Lo 2556 Spread 46 Average 2579 Std Deviation 18
It is a lighter load, but NOT light enough for this old body.
I was just shooting to test the speeds. this was with an Oehler 35 P chronograph.
At the Ben Avery I had to put up a target, so I hastily put up a target REVERSE side out (clean) to cover all the holes. I really didnt have an AIMPOINT as lining up the rifle, chrono, and target on a heavily "regualated" range is near impossible. If you wanted to call it a group, I'd say 4 inches.
Another day, I may try it for the accuracy part.

12-21-2018, 01:27
Well, I do hope you can make a go of it.

Weather has been beautiful here in the valley, but the controlled ranges at BA and Rio leave a bit to be desired.

My recipe is adapted from other across the course shooter's advice.

12-22-2018, 04:22
Very nice.

Former Cav
07-11-2019, 08:08
I sold my two m1a's. it kept making my whole shoulder and chest go black and blue. Dr is worried I will get a blood clot. I'm on blood thinners due to heart attacks, triple bypass, and stent.

07-11-2019, 08:26
When I need to, I take a roll of brown paper, cut a piece to size and staple it to the frame, then staple the targets on that. Easy to see any outliers (misses, or if you are shooting the corners to see where rifle/scope are shooting).

07-12-2019, 05:24
I sold my two m1a's. it kept making my whole shoulder and chest go black and blue. Dr is worried I will get a blood clot. I'm on blood thinners due to heart attacks, triple bypass, and stent.

sorry to hear of that,

are you still shooting (competitively?)

and wondering if an AR (NM type) would bruise you up any?

Former Cav
07-19-2019, 07:40
still trying to get into shape to shoot an NRA match.
Wish I could find a 100 yard reduced match where you do only 50 rounds to START out with.
SO, since I sold both M1A's
I just bought the STUFF for a 6.5 Grendel since I already own a "service rifle" I bought the upper.
This is basically what a NEW CALIBER change will cost you (on the cheap as I did NOT have to buy another LOWER).
So I am downshifting and trying to do it on the THRIFTY side. Since I have a couple of AR 15's, what caliber can I convert to?

After reading and talking with people about 6.8 SPC, 7.62 x 39 (the AK round), and 6.5 Grendel which will all FIT in the AR 15's magazine LENGTH (not that mag itself) the 6.5 is supposed to be the best in accuracy and POOF DUH.

So below is what I got into it SO FAR!!

Now I know why I didn't go out and jump on buying a 10 MM handgun when I already owned a 41 Magnum revolver. Even though I wanted a 10.

By the time I get done and "situated" this will be a $1500 solution!!

upper $190 Bear Creek

2 mags $ 49 JobBobOutfitters

sights $150 TomsTacktical brand is MBUS PRO

tool hd $219 Dillons tool hd and conversion kit for 550 B press

Dies $45 Grafs (lee brand 3 die set) (only other dies available was 2 die set from Redding at $140)

boolets $219 LuckyGunner (loaded 123 Hornady 200 of them so I can harvest the brass & zero the rifle)

SUB $872

still have to buy primers, bullets, powder and more brass !! finding ACCURATE load data is another "hunt". Case Gage too. Got AR Comp and 8208 Powders to play with to do the load work up.

GOOD NEWS is, I've been shooting my 1911 GREAT.