View Full Version : And you think that your gun laws are kooky

Ken The Kanuck
12-31-2018, 04:48

01-01-2019, 02:25
I don't like her.

01-01-2019, 07:49
In reply to exceptions being made to muslims. In regard to the history of their actions I don't feel any country regardless of their gun rights should allow muslims to possess weapons of any kind and when applying to make a purchase they should be investigated. Of course I don't believe they should even be allowed in the U.S. even for visits. America was founded upon the freedom of religion not freedom of cults. The PC bunch tend to think light or even forget what they have done and represent, many of them agree with their actions.

Colt has experimented with plastic auto pistols that would only fire if it recognized the shooters hand or thumb print.

Though never perfected perhaps research could continue and be used only on guns allowed to be owned by the muslims.

JB White
01-01-2019, 08:35
If photos are exempted on other forms of National and Provincial ID's, what's to stop anyone from simply borrowing someone elses should they wish to buy a firearm, drive a vehicle, purchase liquor etc? Nothing!

01-01-2019, 09:47
If photos are exempted on other forms of National and Provincial ID's, what's to stop anyone from simply borrowing someone elses should they wish to buy a firearm, drive a vehicle, purchase liquor etc? Nothing!

Low-cost biometrics will eventually get there. Don't need the whole face, just the retina. Even religion (especially religion?) has trouble keeping up with technology. Meanwhile Allen has found a loophole he likes to deny First Amendment protections to people he disagrees with. Is it any wonder that the Allens of this country are viewed by many with grave suspicion?

JB White
01-01-2019, 01:25
Low-cost biometrics will eventually get there. Don't need the whole face, just the retina. Even religion (especially religion?) has trouble keeping up with technology.

The keyword in your reply is 'eventually'. I agree, but how many places will have retinal scanners in the field? Places such as satellite banking facilities, supermarkets, clubs where bouncers must check ID's etc.. We already have problems today and this PC practice certainly isn't helping matters.
Separation of church and state means religion plays no active role in governing. Yet, those who would go so far to have religious symbolism removed from public property, can somehow justify religion when it comes to certain laws and government documents?

01-01-2019, 04:51
Separation of church and state means religion plays no active role in governing. Yet, those who would go so far to have religious symbolism removed from public property, can somehow justify religion when it comes to certain laws and government documents?

Interesting point, JB. Simplest broad-brush explanation that occurs to me is coalition politics. That is, the religious minority finds that it is generally more welcome in the more secular party than in the party that is more identified with Christianity. That's how it is here, south of the border. Our Canuck friends can tell us if the same holds true in the Great White North.