View Full Version : Non-reloadable brass

01-11-2019, 06:53
Running my test on this batch of non-reloadable berdan primed brass.
103 cases are on their 9th loading with no signs of stress or primer pocket enlargement.
Got in the habbit of tossing brass after 4 loadings with LC and other commercial brass. This darn German stuff is like a Timex, takes a licking and keeps on ticking.
Accuracy seems to be considerably better than most boxer I have used. Who woulda thunk it?

https://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x413/nf1e/IMG_2357_zpscxr1da93.jpg (https://s1180.photobucket.com/user/nf1e/media/IMG_2357_zpscxr1da93.jpg.html)

https://i1180.photobucket.com/albums/x413/nf1e/IMG_2359_zpsznjdhkzd.jpg (https://s1180.photobucket.com/user/nf1e/media/IMG_2359_zpsznjdhkzd.jpg.html)

Former Cav
07-22-2019, 02:09
do you want me to save some radway green brass for you in 7.62 Nato??

07-23-2019, 11:53
"...non-reloadable Berdan primed brass..." It's mostly about the near total lack of new and correct diameter primers, but Berdan primed brass is still more trouble than it's worth to reload.
"...habbit(SIC) of tossing brass after 4 loadings..." Bad HABIT to get into. Case life has nothing to do with the number of loadings. It's entirely about the load used. The primer used doesn't affect accuracy either.

07-26-2019, 12:17
"...non-reloadable Berdan primed brass..." It's mostly about the near total lack of new and correct diameter primers, but Berdan primed brass is still more trouble than it's worth to reload.
"...habbit(SIC) of tossing brass after 4 loadings..." Bad HABIT to get into. Case life has nothing to do with the number of loadings. It's entirely about the load used. The primer used doesn't affect accuracy either.

I think you will find, if you reload, that Berdan cases with the two flash holes will reduce your SD considerably below that of boxers. At least in my experience. Must note that I only reload between 5 and 10K of .308 annually and all my precision rifles prefer the Berdan primed cartridges. I have documented increases in accuracy of between 15 and 20% which for most shooters would not make a significant difference, but to the precision shooter that is immense.

08-01-2019, 01:29
Have you re-annealed case necks at all to reduce the potential for next splits? Using an X-die?

08-01-2019, 01:56
I think you will find, if you reload, that Berdan cases with the two flash holes will reduce your SD considerably below that of boxers. At least in my experience. Must note that I only reload between 5 and 10K of .308 annually and all my precision rifles prefer the Berdan primed cartridges. I have documented increases in accuracy of between 15 and 20% which for most shooters would not make a significant difference, but to the precision shooter that is immense.

while I will agree with Sunray re the pain in the backside to reload
(I tried to decap some once, and did a miserable job at it so just kept on with boxer stuff)

I do disagree with the primer comment,

even with Boxer primers, there are some that are better than other on loads,

when I was a Service Rifle shooter, Winchester small and large gave my best results (all else being equal) and I know at that time several Masters and High Masters were using Remington BR primers instead for the rifles they were using at the time,