View Full Version : double action only autos

01-20-2019, 05:55
anybody here a big fan of double action only auto pistols?

01-20-2019, 07:05
not really,

did have a SIG 228 DAK thru the shop years ago that had a decent trigger on it, but having shot mostly DA\SA, that is my preference

01-20-2019, 10:05
Have a Sig P290RS. If I ever carry that will be it. If it goes click, squeeze again. Unlike striker fired pistols.

01-20-2019, 11:19
I am not a big fan of double action only firearms, but in the 70s and 80s I shot PPC double action and I am very comfortable with DAO. I have a SIG P250 that I enjoy shooting because the trigger feels like a very good revolver.

Vern Humphrey
01-20-2019, 02:55
In my humble opinion, development of Automatic pistols culminated in 1911, and had a brief resurgence in 1949 when Bill Ruger brought out his Standard Model automatic.

01-20-2019, 03:09
I'll start by saying I don't consider the striker fired pistols like Glocks, Springfield Armory XDs and the like which have a sort of safety action but without the long trigger pull to be DAO.

DA only pistols, probably better called "long pull single action" IMHO; were a development for police work to replicate the safety action of a revolver in an auto pistol For that they were ok. I had to go through the training for Beretta 96Ds when they were adopted by my agency in the late '90s though I retired almost exactly at the time they were made mandatory and so didn't have to give up my Model 66. They were ok guns for their purpose but too big for plain clothes work.

For my own use - I would never own one. I also would have no interest in a double action auto pistol that didn't have the optional "cocked and locked" feature of a CZ-75 or a few others like our son's H&K P30.

When I carry an auto pistol which is very rarely it is a striker fired HS 2000 (SA XD before they bought the rights) which in concept is a a kind of hybrid.

So I guess my answer is I don't care for DAO auto pistols though they do have a niche and I personally think that striker fired safety action pistols fill that niche better.

01-20-2019, 05:46
Not for me. Too specialized, don't fit my style of shooting.

01-21-2019, 04:30
thanks for the replies. I like the first shot double/next shot cocked, like a browning high power. I have a sccy cpx-2 striker fired that I only do good with from the holster shots at the range if I begin to squeeze the trigger as I bring the gun to bear

01-21-2019, 11:44
The senility why you can't spell it? Just curious. Please remember that senility is extremely contagious. Caught mine from my Ma. Made her crazy when I'd tell her that. snicker.
To DAO or not to DAO is like driving an automatic or an proper standard transmission. Same thing only different. You adapt according to which one you're using. The thing still ha to fit your hand too. And a lot of 'em are too big for normal sized hands.

01-22-2019, 07:14
Have a SIG P250. Hammer fired DAO. Outstanding trigger. Takes a little practice if you are used to single action. I actually find it easier to hold on target vs. SAO.

01-24-2019, 04:40
thanks for the replies. it is a matter of perspective I guess. my son tells me all the time "to you dad, if it aint a colt revolver, it aint a handgun."

Vern Humphrey
01-25-2019, 11:17
thanks for the replies. it is a matter of perspective I guess. my son tells me all the time "to you dad, if it aint a colt revolver, it aint a handgun."

Listen to him!!

01-26-2019, 06:10
Listen to him!!

I know. but I can't be afraid to try new things.

02-02-2019, 09:11
Years ago when I started (legally) to conceal and carry my choice was a Browning Hi power. Then I discovered HK and their straight out of the box excellence. I chose the USPC, .40 in the LEM configuration. The simplicity of operation, the absolute reliability, and the accuracy was stunning. The LEM option is DAO but the option of a safety is available if you want it. It is a really great pistol and I instinctively got more accuracy with it than I did the Hi Power or the 1911. HK guns can be pricey but by the time you get your 1911 worked over, the price difference disappears.

After I was forced to retire, my need to carry was reduced. I was no longer calling on customers that were located in seedy areas, so I now pocket carry a little S&W 838. Yes, I can fire it with it in my jeans pocket and have practiced with live rounds. That is one shortcoming of all semi autos... I am never going to out draw anybody and if I can't settle the situation with 5 rounds I shouldn't have been in that situation anyway. When is the last time you ever heard about where a CCW had to expend more than 5 rounds in self defense? JMHO

02-04-2019, 07:57
I only own one DAO auto-pistol...a S&W 4046. I shoot it well enough although I am not a fan of DAO pistols