View Full Version : What Accesories For 1903A4
Punch the Clown
02-01-2019, 06:18
I have a 1903A4 ser 4997390. I was wondering if a canvas sling would be OK for that serial number? Also, what should the buttstock gear be? Just trying to complete some of my favorite pieces. Thanks guys.
02-01-2019, 09:16
A M1907 leather sling is probably correct.
Richard H Brown Jr
02-02-2019, 12:05
That is such a many layered question. Correct for when? As shipped from Remington, After a troop signs for the weapon, and gets odd bits from the unit armorer, After a Rebuild, After a reissue? What date?
Where to start? Ok, an oiler case for the lube oil and the cleaning thong and bronze bristle brush. Originally the long yellowish tube, then later the short oiler case. Don't forget the sewn leather lens caps, for the scope. Listings in the Ord Catalog 9 SNL B-3 1942 shows either the M1907 or the M1 canvas web sling. Issued at the unit based on what's in the unit arms locker or user preferences. Atlanta Cutlery shows a accessory kit for the 1903 series, with the front sight cover (not used on an A4), a thong and a screwdriver : Warning! the thong twine is 70+ yrs old and rotten, don't use it. A M10 series cleaning kit a pocket or pack cleaning kit for the M10 cleaning kit: and ass the takedown tool from the atlanta cutlery page, and possibly a ruptured case extractor: and a few *clean* patches stuck between the ends of the items in the butt stock and the cover to keep them from rattle-ing. NOTE: The gunparts accessory cleaning kit already has the takedown tool and thong and brush in the kit, so yousave a bit there. IF you want to replace the rotted twin on the thong cleaner, The French MAS rifles 36, 49/56 styles also had a thong cleaning kit with the twine being a slightly stronger cord,you'll have to search for one and it's tied and secured with a metal clip to the metal parts, either keep as is, or untie one end, and snip the other and tie onto your gi thong set. (a little super glue on the ends after cutting witll keep the cord from unraveling). Hope this helps a bit.
Punch the Clown
02-02-2019, 03:14
I'm mostly curious about the cloth slings as they do seem a bit less expensive than the leather. Since this rifle seems to be early 1944 is flat buckle a must or did they use the raised buckle back then. I'm trying to be period correct to the as issued date. Thanks guys.
02-02-2019, 09:10
It is my understanding that the flat buckle is correct. Looking at period pictures there is a combination of 1907's and web slings in the pictures.
Punch the Clown
02-02-2019, 09:38
Thank you Gentlemen. I will keep my eyes peeled.
02-02-2019, 12:43
Scope caps can be. very hard to find. Those little canvas muzzle covers are cool, but they fall off
Punch the Clown
02-02-2019, 04:07
Scope caps can be. very hard to find. Those little canvas muzzle covers are cool, but they fall off
I have an old pair of Storm Queens on it but I know they're not correct.
It is my understanding that the flat buckle is correct. Looking at period pictures there is a combination of 1907's and web slings in the pictures.
I believe the hump buckle one would be okay also. As I have one stamped smb 1944, Ray
Punch the Clown
02-03-2019, 06:47
I believe the hump buckle one would be okay also. As I have one stamped smb 1944, Ray
Ray, I probably have about 10 or more hump buckles in my parts box. I will give a look and thanks.
Col. Colt
03-08-2019, 07:11
Don't forget either an M48 (Bausch & Lomb) or an M49 (Argus) military finish spotting scope from WWII, with fiberboard case, and an M14 or M15 Tripod, also in appropriate case! Or a pair of same vintage USGI issued binoculars.
The M48 was also first known as the M4 and some are so stamped (pre-war, as the Civilian B&L "NRA Model" and was war early issue - and much harder to find. By the end of WWII, the M49 had taken over, although you will find plenty of pictures of M48s in use during the war. Standard eyepiece was a 19.5 on the M48, with 13X and 26X eyepieces available - I have a Marine Corps issue M48 with the 19 and the 26 power eyepieces in the fiberboard case.
The M49 soldiered on into at least the 1980's/1990's. A lot easier to find. CC
"...butt stock gear..." Cleaning pull through, patches, jags and an oiler. What sling was issued would depend on when the rifle was issued. Plus a bunch of where it was issued.
"...Looking at period pictures..." Most of 'em show the standard 1907 leather sling.
All Remington '03A4's were made in 1943. That doesn't mean that particular rifle was issued then or even close to 1943. The sling would be the same as any other 1903A3 or M1 Rifle though. No special slings for snipers.
Punch the Clown
05-14-2019, 05:24
Well you guys made my life easy. I have a nice WWII marked canvas sling, everything for the butt stock, and that's about it. Spotting scope would be nice but not a must for me. That just leaves scope caps. I have the muzzle cover. I can't see them lasting too long in the real world.
If you are actually going to shoot it a modern day cheek riser will help tremendously. I only have repros, but they do shoot. (
Johnny P
05-31-2019, 08:16
The last 03-A4 rifles were made at the end of 1944. If I wanted it to be correct I would use either one of the flat buckle canvas slings or a 44 or 45 dated M1907 leather sling.
Punch the Clown
05-31-2019, 09:12
Thanks guys. Now I'm trying to complete my M24. I was lucky to get just about everything with the kit. I just picked up a flash hider-expensive! Now I need a killflash and I think I'm there.
06-03-2019, 10:28
Hey Punch,
I have an M1907 leather sling, think it would be perfect.
Punch the Clown
06-04-2019, 03:45
Hey Punch,
I have an M1907 leather sling, think it would be perfect.
Yeah but I'm dealing with 1907 tastes on a web sling budget:)
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