View Full Version : M1917 rifle getting rare?
JB White
02-22-2019, 07:13
There seems to be a lot online though.
What is the actual selling price range of a nice M1917 rifle these days?
Someone was looking at my trio and decided they had a hole in their collection. I think I underestimated the going rate by several hundred dollars. Looking online I see asking prices over $1k for rifles in similar conditions to my own.
I'm currently watching some auctions where the asking was low and the bidding is taking off. Has there been auction fever going around lately?
I'd like to help the guy find a nice one at a fair price without selling one of my own.
going rate in this area (Va) is in the $800 range,
seen some with an asking price of $1200, but did not see them sell,
they have always been just a few hundred shy of a similar condition 03 in this area
I don't think rare is the right word but they are certainly getting scarce in that the available ones can require some looking with a matching increase in price. Where I live a decent shooter M1917 goes from $800.00 to $1,100.00 depending on make and condition.
Yep $800.00 to $1000.00 here for a decent gun. Guns with bore or stock issues will bring less obviously. Glad I bought mine when they were cheaper.
02-22-2019, 08:57
In my area, it is impossible to find a '17 that has not had the rear sight base ground off. I see these every time a make the rounds. Asking prices are in the $250 range.
Mark in Ottawa
02-22-2019, 09:42
I have a P-14, the original version made for the British in caliber .303 British. I believe that I paid about $400 Canadian (say $325 USD) a few years ago.
JB White
02-22-2019, 09:43
Sporter rifles are a 'dime-a-dozen' so to speak. I've steered friends away from those after the seller told them all the ww1 and SgtYork stories. They used to be all that until...
Last night I told my buddy to expect to pay more than $600 if he wants a nice one. Now I have to confirm he will need to spend several hundred more. At least I left myself an out of sorts. Told him to let me check on current prices first. I hope I don't burst his bubble.
He's also interested in replacing a ww2 era Colt 1911 which he foolishly let go a number of years ago. I already told him to brace for sticker shock.
I had no clue the market had taken off the way it did regarding the M17's. The fellow who sold me my replacement Eddystone probably didn't either. I got lucky there. Glad I upgraded the Remington and the Winchester back when I did.
Everything is going up. Food, housing, guns, you name it. Not gas so far, but they'll figure out a way to raise that too. I digress. I've owned a dozen Swedish Mausers. I wish I'd kept them all. At $80 a piece they were easy to buy even back then. Now they are $500 or so. Don't get me started on Garand prices. I digress again. I have owned three 1917's and while clunky and well, a little homely, they are one of my favorite rifles. I won't pay over $700 for one.
"...getting scarce..." Just like all 100 year old milsurps. High demand with a limited supply in decent condition.
"...Not gas so far..." Must be nice. It's just under a buck Cdn. per litre here. And the price varies a few cents from one side of London to the other. Four litres equals 1.1 U.S. gallons.
JB White
02-22-2019, 12:36
Let’s see if I can upload from my phone
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Eddystone Remington and Winchester from top to bottom.
I need some practice
Years ago there was a sport shop here that had Swedish Mauser's for $75.00 to $150.00 $200.00 up for the snipers i purchased several because they were so accurate now the price is up there.I purchased a few of the M1917S from CMP when they had them they sold out quick again the price is high for them also now
Winchester, Remington, Eddystone
Tom Doniphon
02-22-2019, 07:32
The prices on Model 1917 rifles have been going skyward for the past several years. Kind of like M1 Carbines have. I have seen original Eddystone rifles sell for over $1,300, original Winchester made ones for $1,700 on up, and original Remington made 1917s from $1,350 to over $3,000! The big dollar sales are often auction sales. Yes, you can still get refinished rifles or shooters for well under $1,000.
02-22-2019, 07:53
How long have they been out of production ? I paid $80 for my Winchester-made in December, 1918-in 1967.
JB White
02-22-2019, 09:39
In 1978 or maybe 1979 I paid nearly $150 for my first Eddystone with a $20 bayonet in a hard scabbard. Saw it in a small dimly lit shop which was actually the living room and dining room of a small house. Stopped in to buy a box of 12g #6's and the rifle followed me home.
Was told I overpaid but I was happy to have my first milsurp. Milsurp... I don't recall them being called that back then.
Lyman. Nice looking set.
I don't recall the months on my barrels. The R is '17 and the E and W are 18's. The R and W both have 3 GMK on the stocks and I'm certain the E is a refurbished rifle too.
$150 in 1979 dollars is equal to $557 in 2019 dollars. The only milsurp rifles I’m still seeing frequently at the gun recent shows are 03-A3s and M1 Garands.
Lyman. Nice looking set.
Winchester was my first, local pickup, with a spare stock,,,
Rem is a Danish\Canadian return, (C^ and numbered bolt, with the cut or groove in the receiver on the front ring)
Eddystone I hand picked in the Nouth Store on a trip to Perry many years ago
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brother just took home a Remington we picked up in an estate,
with bayonet,
neither look they were ever shot, damn near perfect condition,
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