View Full Version : final wishes

02-24-2019, 03:27
As most of us old guys do, I think a lot about how I want to be remembered... what I want with my remains and what I DON"T want...

I DO NOT want to be "taxidermied" and stuffed in a box on display.. No Viewing.. remembr me as I was upright.. period.

So therefore, cremation is the next logical method.... cheap, easier on the family, etc..

byt what to do with my ashes? spread them at my gun club? lots of guys have done that.. against my religion though.. muust be interred in hallowed ground..

So oka, a Christian cemetary... but what to put the ashed in?

I gave this a LOT of thought then it came to me.. a 50 Cal ammo can! Maybe I'll have one nickle plated and engraved.. There should be plenty of room for whats left of me and any "stuff" my family may want to bury with me..

So what have you guys come up with?

S.A. Boggs
02-24-2019, 03:30
Simple burial with my Pastor and Church family in attendance.
Hope no one goes up to my grave, looks down and say's "Glad that S.O.B. is gone."

Bill E
02-24-2019, 04:04
Opinions differ on cremation but the Lord is certainly able to put anything back together again when the time comes.

Mark in Ottawa
02-24-2019, 04:06
We have purchased burial plots in the city where both of our children live and where our families are buried. We have told our children that we want simple inexpensive caskets, no embalming or any of that nonsense and no fancy funerals. No point in wasting money on something that will eventually rot away.

Just as important, both of my daughters recently passed the two courses necessary to obtain a Canadian Possession and Acquisition Licence for both unrestricted and restricted firearms. That will allow them to take possession of my firearms without any problems.

02-24-2019, 07:01
Just as Bill E says...I won't be there so it really doesn't matter. Funerals are for those left behind to grieve an have the politically correct word, "closure" whatever that means. Just ne sure to leave $$ to pay for it.

02-24-2019, 07:14
Cremate me and spread my ashes at sea. I wanted them taped to a LGB but I don't know anyone that can do that.

02-24-2019, 07:41
I've thought long and hard on the situation. I came to the conclusion that I wanted to be cremated and my ashes spread in my yard (2 acres) where I live now and the yard of my home where I grew up (also 2 acres with 30 acres of farm land which I still own). As a youth I spent a lot of time outside playing in the yards. My mother often said that I knew where every blade of grass was. I feel this is more comfortable for me than being buried in a cemetery. There are scriptures in the Bible that state you shouldn't deface your body but I feel after death you turn into dust anyway over time and you aren't killing yourself so what the heck. But, I don't know if this is a sin or not. My wife has indicated she doesn't care but wants us both to be disposed of the same way.

Now to complicate things, I worked 20 years working rotating 12 hour shifts one hour from home with overtime on my days off. Over that length of time I basically had no time off and lost contact with most of my friends and church members who could have/would have been pallbearers for the casket should I die. A lot of friends I had have either moved off, died or become those that I lost contact with. In other words if I died today my wife could not scrape up enough pallbearers to carry the casket.

Upon further complications my wife has had her hip replaced. Part of this artificial joint is made of titanium and won't melt during cremation. The thoughts of removing it before or after is too gruesome for us to think about so we have ruled out cremation for this reason.

Our cemetery is less than 1/2 mile from home, my family is there, if I can pop out of the grave as a ghost I can simply walk home and I guess I'll just let the funeral home supply pallbearers. Hopefully I have a little time left and things may change but as for now I own plots at the "marble orchard" and will be buried in the traditional fashion.

02-24-2019, 08:25
I told my wife she’s going to have to have free beer and sandwiches and naked dancing girls and give my guns away as prizes. That’s the only way to get anyone to my funeral.
I don’t know a living soul in Nebraska.

02-25-2019, 02:56
I have decided that the only way to get a buyer's number for my estate auction is to pick it up at my funeral.

That should increase the attendance at the funeral.

S.A. Boggs
02-25-2019, 03:05
Did you guy's ever think that if you owed the government money there is a regulation against you dying until the debt is paid?

02-25-2019, 09:13
I want a pyramid. Nobody's getting my stuff. Told my useless brother to build me one years ago and have yet to hear about the construction being started.
"...spread them..." Isn't legal everywhere.
"...simple inexpensive caskets..." No such thing. And our government(Provincial) has a lot of rules about what you can and cannot do with your carcass. Starting with your grave must be lined with concrete. No embalming means you'll get planted faster without visitation or service. Apparently within 72 hours of croaking. Isn't required by law here though.

02-25-2019, 10:28
Prepaid my cremation, I have a 75 mm shell that I turned a wooden tip for it. Good to go.

Vern Humphrey
02-25-2019, 12:06
Did you guy's ever think that if you owed the government money there is a regulation against you dying until the debt is paid?

I wrote to the IRS and told them I refuse to pay the Death Tax. They wrote back and told me I won't be allowed to die, then.

02-25-2019, 01:08
I told the wife to donate my body to science, let students hack on my corpse, I wont need it,

she says no, so cremation is my next option,

02-25-2019, 01:15
Welfare. I wonder how much we pay for those on welfare, not only for the funeral but for the plots? I've never heard of anyone being denied a funeral and there's no doubt laws in place to provide for that too. It's not like they are going to plan for any of this so if already on welfare they have been adopted by the taxpayers.

A few months ago a female illegal on U.S. soil attacked a border agent and was rightfully put down. Oh how the democrats cried about it losing dozens of votes. Her body was shipped back to Columbia or wherever she came from and was given a funeral service fit for a king with what looked to be a nice painted metal casket. This person did not have a pot to pee in. Undoubtedly the taxpayers footed the bill for this and her illegal acts as we do with all deportation cost.

Strange how you never hear of this.

What welfare and obamacare has done to skyrocket medical expense to the point where so many have to use it (socialism), the same can probably be said about welfare causing funeral expenses to skyrocket. We pay $7000-$10,000+ for a simple funeral plus the cost of the plots while those who do no planning or are simply irresponsible pay "nothing" plus we have all those rules about what we can and can't do assuring that we end up paying that escalated required expense to pay for those who do not pay. Just like health insurance.

02-26-2019, 07:01
I used to think spread my ashes in the ocean - then I got involved in genealogy. A grave / tombstone leaves a link between the past and the future. It allows a future generation to find you and say - “that was my great great great grandfather. “

It may take a while (for me generations) before someone recognizes you again - I am heading to the ancestrial homeland in June and the cemetery is my first stop followed by the farmland they owned.

So - be a link to the past for those yet to come


02-26-2019, 11:44
I used to think spread my ashes in the ocean - then I got involved in genealogy. A grave / tombstone leaves a link between the past and the future. It allows a future generation to find you and say - “that was my great great great grandfather. “

It may take a while (for me generations) before someone recognizes you again - I am heading to the ancestrial homeland in June and the cemetery is my first stop followed by the farmland they owned.

So - be a link to the past for those yet to come


But do it tastefully--not like these folks did.

https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A2KLfSb2lXVcbYgAHwpXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEz ZnNnMjV0BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVUlDMV8xBHNlYw NwaXZz?p=i+told+you+i+was+sick+tombstone&fr2=piv-web&fr=yfp-t-s#id=7&iurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.standleague.org%2FFURL%2Fim agecache%2Fcropfit%40w%3D237%2Fblob%2Fimages%2Fart icles%2F9%2F1%2F91ca3f20-e4da-11e7-a110-42010a800564%2Fa-tombstone-with-sue-rangell-s-name-on-it-cropped.jpg&action=close

https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=AwrExo75lXVc3Y4AZ2.JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBs Z29xY3ZzBHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEc2xrA2J1dHRvbg--;_ylc=X1MDOTYwNjI4NTcEX3IDMgRhY3RuA2NsawRiY2sDOXA0 OGo4MWU2dnE0cSUyNmIlM0Q0JTI2ZCUzRDhXQUNsWFpwWUVLUH hjS0xFUWdIUTNkdkhPLllBMGRqUkgzeDBsRzFvUjJWJTI2cyUz RDJzJTI2aSUzRFk2ZjJLYUVRZFdMakNRZ19JUXlRBGNzcmNwdm lkA0ozTWNfREV3TGpLY2tSTkFYR19vbWdrTE56VXVNUUFBQUFB M3JGWFkEZnIDeWZwLXQtcwRmcjIDc2EtZ3AEZ3ByaWQDcjZPbn pBRjNUTWVBXzlPS0pwc2N1QQRtdGVzdGlkA251bGwEbl9zdWdn AzEwBG9yaWdpbgNpbWFnZXMuc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3 MDMgRwcXN0cgNmdW5ueSB0b21ic3RvbmUEcHFzdHJsAzE1BHFz dHJsAzIzBHF1ZXJ5A2Z1bm55IHRvbWJzdG9uZSBzYXlpbmdzBH Rfc3RtcAMxNTUxMjEwMzExBHZ0ZXN0aWQDbnVsbA--?gprid=r6OnzAF3TMeA_9OKJpscuA&pvid=J3Mc_DEwLjKckRNAXG_omgkLNzUuMQAAAAA3rFXY&p=funny+tombstone+sayings&fr=yfp-t-s&fr2=sa-gp-images.search.yahoo.com&ei=UTF-8&n=60&x=wrt

02-26-2019, 09:03
I will be cremated (cheap shipping) and I will burried in the same grave as my wife of 49 years, 10 mo's in the MO veteran's Cemetary in Higginsville, MO. (free), and the thouands of dollars of funeral expenses can go to educating grand kids.

02-27-2019, 12:40
I want a pyramid. Nobody's getting my stuff. Told my useless brother to build me one years ago and have yet to hear about the construction being started.
"...spread them..." Isn't legal everywhere.
"...simple inexpensive caskets..." No such thing. And our government(Provincial) has a lot of rules about what you can and cannot do with your carcass. Starting with your grave must be lined with concrete. No embalming means you'll get planted faster without visitation or service. Apparently within 72 hours of croaking. Isn't required by law here though.

You should get better help.
The "father of Arizona" has a pyramid. So,we all know that funerals are for the living. God, I hate work and putting on a great funeral is a little work. Fortunately it's all over in a matter of days, so do it right. I was the best man at my best friends second wedding(and event kinda like a funeral). I studied up on it a little and got some good advice; Like anything else, it's not about you. Don't tell awful high school stories about him. Don't drink before the advent(unless it's called for)and tell awful and weird stories. In a word: funerals are for the living. We aren't all Captain Call, don't ask for the ridiculous. Aside from that, have the courtesey to make out a will(if you have anything of monetary value, not "collectables")so there isn't a fight afterwards. Doesn't matter what you do, if your family likes to fight, it'll be a fight.

02-27-2019, 08:19
With my nephew, my family name dies out. He has no son, all the rest of the males had daughters. There will be a link, but the name dies.

My girls are in their 50s and don't care about geneology. My wife and I have quite a bit.... I always thought it interesting that my grandmother was born in a covered wagon in Oklahoma Indian Territory. Of course we played cowboys and indians outside when we were little. My kids played inside, Space Invaiders, and my grand kids play Warcraft.

I think before I die I'll put it all inside a trunk, with other things important, to my wife and me, and put a big lock on it and throw awsy the key. When my wife and I are dead the kids will wonder what was so important to be locked away like that. They will have to expend some effort to find out what we thought was that important. What they do with it after that is up to them.

02-27-2019, 09:38
With my nephew, my family name dies out. He has no son, all the rest of the males had daughters. There will be a link, but the name dies.

My case is very similar, when my son goes the name ends. If he nor my daughter have offspring then the family ends as well upon their passing. They are adults now and show no interest in the existing family graves. I feel me and my wife's passing will not change things in that respect much. Like mentioned before most of my friends and classmates are in the same boat having moved away or died off. I don't feel anyone is going to come and look for my grave nor my wife's so that is why I had considered cremation. Since that isn't doable any longer I will end up "planted". I intend to get a large headstone w/o the vases because there will be no one to maintain them. To me a cemetery is just a junk yard for old worn out bodies but like you guys have said "it's for the living, not the dead". I don't want to be strung up like Mussolini but once dead it's not going to matter much how our families arrange the farewell.

Since funerals ARE for the living, if you are considering cremation you may want to discuss it with those who will survive you, not just your wife but your children. It may be all too upsetting for them.

03-06-2019, 10:55
True story: Old Elmer died about 30 years ago. He requested cremation and asked his two best friends to fly his Cessna over the California coastline at Big Sur and spread his ashes in the Pacific. Over the drop zone, one of the guys opened the plane's window, reached out and dumped Elmer's ashes. But he was sucked back into the cabin where he swirled around before settling in every nook n cranny of that Cessna.

03-10-2019, 09:33
I will be cremated and my ashes cast to the wind on my farm. There will be no viewing, if my wife and son decide to have a memorial service that is up to them. I am a member of the VFW, the AL, DAV and the fire dept. I request no action on any ones part. When I am gone if I am to be remembered it is for my service to my country and community, I desire no fanfare. The older I get the friends I had are rapidly passing, there may be a time that I am the last man standing among my friends of my generation.

03-11-2019, 12:48
This Burial is a classic one


03-11-2019, 03:00
We had a nice funeral in my church 3 years ago. A longtime (60 years) member and matriarch -all four of her children, her grand children and GREAT grandchildren are members, she was a member of the fire department's Ladies Auxiliary for 60 years-planned her service. At the conclusion her coffin was loaded onto a fire truck, the police closed the road for the procession to the cemetery.

03-13-2019, 09:55
Ok two fun “death” stories -

Family friend was a landing craft sailor during d-day and wanted to be buried at sea after cremation. So his son has ashes put in a vase made of salt - charters a boat near Pismo Beach CA - very solemn - few words - tears - wreath in water - son leans over rail - drops vase straight down. Now picture what happens when you drop a rock in the water..... yep .... ker-plunk and water splashes back up and soaks son.... I’m not sure who laughed first - but it made the whiskey taste that much better knowing Johnny had the last laugh....

Second story - in Sacramento the Coast Guard would dump ashes at sea from a C130 for military members and wives. My aunt Jackie was a Navy Chiefs wife (back when Chiefs ran the Navy) - and as Jackie is dying of cancer, she shares that she wants to be spread at sea. So on THE day - my dad has the box of ashes on the passenger front seat of the car and stops at a light. He looks over and starts laughing uncontrollably- he says he looked over and thought “well theres Jackie in the box” - it became a standard Dad Joke from then on.


03-14-2019, 05:27
We had a nice funeral in my church 3 years ago. A longtime (60 years) member and matriarch -all four of her children, her grand children and GREAT grandchildren are members, she was a member of the fire department's Ladies Auxiliary for 60 years-planned her service. At the conclusion her coffin was loaded onto a fire truck, the police closed the road for the procession to the cemetery.

A nearby business owner had a large service station with a wrecker service. He owned about 5 wreckers and enjoyed running one himself vs the headache of running the business. He really enjoyed driving a wrecker. He opened up for business every day around 6am. One morning right after he opened someone went in and shot him in his office (over money?). His family also ran the business and I suppose they knew his wishes. His coffin was loaded on one of his rollback wreckers and the entire funeral procession was directed thru the service station as part of the route to the cemetery.

03-24-2019, 06:49
As a born again Christian cremation is an option Would like the ashes fired from a cannon in about a 37mm shell GO OUT WITH A BANG

03-25-2019, 08:32
As a born again Christian cremation is an option Would like the ashes fired from a cannon in about a 37mm shell GO OUT WITH A BANG

I like that!
Wifey works with a lot of chronically and terminally ill folks, and has a rather well developed sense of gallows humor. She tells me, "Dear, go and plan all you want... I'll do whatever I want you know", while smiling sweetly.
Honestly, if my body or parts can help anyone, including students, I'd as well see them benefit. I will say that, am not a fan of the organ sellers profiting unless my family can, also. Otherwise, may as well use my ashes for fertilizer, etc.

As has been noted, there are a LOT of rules and regs about processing and disposing of a body. Some are good, i.e. limiting ground water contamination (folks start "family cemeteries" all the time, sometimes in silly locations, e.g. "... in the bend of that creek where grandpa fished...."), but IMHO most are to profit the folks who run the "industries".
