View Full Version : Alex Trebek

03-06-2019, 03:29
Alex Trebek announced he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer, will finish the season, but has no plans of retiring yet. He's had mild heart attacks in the past and blood clots on the brain about a year ago. I hear more and more about cancer not being diagnosed till it reaches stage 4. I guess this is what it takes for a doctor to become serious about your complaints.

Like him or hate him he's been around forever and seems to stay out of politics.


03-06-2019, 04:06
Like him or hate him he's been around forever and seems to stay out of politics.

Amazing, for anyone in the entertainment biz.

S.A. Boggs
03-06-2019, 04:51
Having had stage 4 colon/rectal and liver cancer I wish him well. What he is going thru is not pleasant!

03-06-2019, 06:02
The problem with pancreatic cancer, unlike breast, colon, prostate, endometrial and some other cancers, is that there's no screening test. Then there is the fact that the first symptoms are usually jaundice and/or floating poop and by that time your liver is badly damaged, you're at stage 3/4 and truly in deep, deep trouble.

I remember when a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, unless you were one of tiny number who lucked into a very early diagnosis, had a general prognosis of 3-9 months before the "dirt nap." Treatment has improved a lot and some people now will survive years, sometimes many years, instead of months even without an early diagnosis(, Steve Jobs, Ruth Bader Ginsburg) even if you are not one of the lucky ones to get a liver transplant. An "I'll never give in" attitude always helps too :icon_salut:.

03-06-2019, 06:40
Teacher lived for almost four years, passed away in '91? Friend of my mother's has had it for six or seven years. What Art says it correct, it is rarely diagnosed until late. Currently pancreatic cancer is now recognized as several different diseases, all which manifest themselves as affecting the pancreas. A bad one. Hope AT gets well.

JB White
03-06-2019, 08:22
Trebek made a statement about him not going anytime soon because he still has three years left on his contract. He's a trooper!

03-08-2019, 10:37
Death comes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce,
And whether he's slow or spry,
It isn't the fact that you're dead that counts,
But only how did you die?

Emund Vance Cooke

03-09-2019, 09:56
Hadn't heard that one. Reminds me of the title of a story; Death be not proud. It was a story I read in grade school. Daytime t.v. will be dimineshed(I know I slaughtered this, but can't find it). I didn't watch the show much, but I should have. Kind of like the yoga on t.v., it's there for you , take advantage of it. John McCain and now Alex. The beat goes on. Thanks Allen.

03-09-2019, 10:53
Some of you may be old enough to remember the original host of Jeopardy, Art Fleming. He died of pancreatic cancer. Sad coincidence.

JB White
03-10-2019, 09:00
Some of you may be old enough to remember the original host of Jeopardy, Art Fleming. He died of pancreatic cancer. Sad coincidence.

I hadn't realized that. I remember Art Fleming.

03-10-2019, 09:08
I hadn't realized that. I remember Art Fleming.

New to me too.

On the show Alex reads the answers to the questions presented by others. I wonder how much he retains? If he remembers just a small percentage he would be one smart cookie. I don't know if anyone could ever top Ken Jennings though.

03-10-2019, 07:35
I’ve always liked and respected Alex Trebek. Jeopardy is the only network TV show that I watch, period.

03-11-2019, 04:14
He is a first class guy as far as I am concerned. He is a smart one as well. Fare thee well AT

03-12-2019, 12:02
"...I remember Art Fleming..." Yep. Kept me late for school when it was a day time show. Trebec was on a Canadian high school quiz show called 'Reach for the Top.' around the same time.

03-12-2019, 04:54
He is our favorite TV host. We will hope for the best for him.

05-01-2019, 08:01
He's starting to feel side effects now. Sam could probably write a book about this.


S.A. Boggs
05-01-2019, 09:35
I understand exactly how he feels, physically and emotionally. Each day is a big hill to climb and at the end of the day one is tired of the climb. Some day's the hills turn into mountains, such as the day that chemo is to be done. I got chemo every other Wednesday, my wife or daughter left with me at 0700 to the cancer center. I have a "port" implanted in my chest connected to a vein that goes directly into my heart. The IV needle has an adapter that snaps onto the port and then is taped over. I set in a special reclining chair, feet up covered with one of my "Wolf" blankets. When the first drug [poison] is administered it is to relax me and clear my system. It makes me feel warm, high and sleepy so I zonk out into a type of twilight sleep. Wake up two-three hours later with another blanket over me as I was shivering. For the rest of the day one is cold and the only movement is to the latrine for a urine break. After 8-10 hours I can go home with a pump attached via an IV tube to my chest and a small device taped to my right arm. The pump will stay on for 48 hours and have to be removed on Friday. About 1800 on Thursday I feel a small sting on my right arm as the pump there goes off injecting me with another chemical that pumps for 45 minutes. This is to help my immune system and it does. The sessions for me went on for 3 months, then a 45 day break for my body to recover and then another three months. Another 6 week break and then the fun parts, the radiation...being cooked from the inside.
I still have the permeant side affects, neuropathy of the feet-unable to tell some body temperatures and others. I will wear the port for another 4 years if no cancer returns and then the port can be removed. Have a scope done every 90 days, oh what a joy.:banana100::banana100::banana100::hello:

05-01-2019, 10:43
That's a haul. I hope I am never in a hospital but I probably will be at some point. If there's anything I don't want to happen, it will probably happen...
These threads seem to hit home lately. My lovely German Short Hair had insulinoma. It's a tumor on the pancreas. He'd be great for weeks and then have a bout. Something like epilepsy. The last one was an hour of pain for him and I. I had him put to sleep two weeks ago.
Dogs are one of Gods gifts to us.

05-02-2019, 12:22
Dogs definitely don’t play fair. They become much more than a pet and before you know it, they’re lives are over and they leave a huge hole in your life. The only thing to do is to find a replacement. My late sister adopted a 6 year old female Golden Retriever from the local Golden Retriever Rescue in the Cave Creek area that now lives with a family in Scottsdale. She is a lovely dog that I should have kept.

We accidentally became cat people 5 years ago. A starving stray kitten appeared on our doorstep on Memorial Day. We fed her and eventually kept her. She bonded with me, bathes me, purrs loudly when I’m on the phone and prefers to sleep on my lap.

We went out to dinner this evening and watched as a beautiful female calico cat was hit by a car on a busy road. Of course, I turned around and went back to see what I could do. She was dead when I got to her.

S.A. Boggs
05-02-2019, 01:36
I understand people's affection for animals, Wolf is my service animal, my loving and constant companion. She just got me up @ 0300 to go out and have a bond, I don't mind. Took Mickey our daughter's 140 lb black Lab out as well. Both children are back on their respective beds going back to sleep, me I am up for the day.

05-09-2019, 04:45
For those who may be interested and at least this isn't politics.

Alex Trebek on his latest interview. Not doing well and wearing a hair piece. He will have the summer months off to re-coop some.
