View Full Version : New New Zealand Gun Law

03-24-2019, 08:31
All military type firearms are now outlawed to private citizens. I think this applies to semi-autoloaders. Anyone who owns them previous to the new law must turn them in for a buy-back.

03-24-2019, 08:43
I wonder how many US made M1's will suffer the fate of destruction?

NZ doesn't have our heritage with firearms.

03-25-2019, 06:31
I wonder how many US made M1's will suffer the fate of destruction?

NZ doesn't have our heritage with firearms.

A neighbor was telling me he read that some NZ military gun owners are sealing their prized rifles in side PVC pipes and burying them rather than turning them in.

03-25-2019, 11:27
NZ's current government is a coalition of their socialist Labour Party, their Leftist Green Party and their New Zealand First Party. If either of those decided not to support the legislation, the Labour Party will lose and there should be an election.
"...I think this applies to..." "New Zealand has banned the sale of all “military-style” semi-automatics, assault rifles and high capacity magazines,..." Plus there's a "buy back" program. Supposedly to be in place by 11 April.

03-25-2019, 11:42
New Zealanders have a high percentage of gun ownership by world standards, there is about 1 gun per 3 inhabitants in the country.

However....I've read the New Zealand firearms laws and they were draconian even before the shooting that brought on the current revisions. In fact the New Zealand laws in effect previously are an American anti-gunners wet dream.

Trying to bury or hide the offending firearms is probably a fools errand since New Zealand has gun registration laws for "A-Salt Weapons. Modern sporting rifles are far from the most common firearms there by a long shot. There could be a knock on your door if you don't turn in yours if its registered and the authorities are going to want to know where your registered now illegal weapon is.

I read today that New Zealanders are lining up to surrender weapons even before the law goes into effect.

03-25-2019, 03:05
New Zeelanders will find that a Police State does not have to be jackbooted thugs smashing in the door at 2AM. Your friendly smiling bobby, a lack of a written constitution and Bill of Rights, warrantless searches, no restrictions on admissible evidence, a Surveillance and Snitch society, tremendous pressure to conform and ostracism of those who don't.

Griff Murphey
04-08-2019, 07:59
Have an NZ internet friend who is keeping me up on this, He has 7 M-1s that he expects to turn in... Now they are exoanding the dragnet past military guns and lever actions holding more than 5 rounds are on the chop, any pump or semiauto tube feed holding more than 10 is a goner. He cites a friend with an FAL (SLR to them) collection with several one of a kind variants and presentation models all now to be destroyed. He assembled the collection over decades at a cost of a quarter million $NZ, that will go to the furnace. My buddy has a couple of ARs he went to so he could go to optics, along with his Henry 44 lever gun replica he has to turn in. They want all magazines, every gun part, stripper clips even. The tiniest component of a prohibited gun will land a person in jail. The press is loving it portraying the shooters as Nazis and tools of the "American NRA." A very fine national high power champion woman shooter has been subjected to all kinds of defamation for being a spokesperson for the shooting hobby. One of their high police commissioners has stated that good New Zealanders don't own guns. It's really tragic, he's losing his hobby. All these people who never hurt anyone as well!

The previous laws were onerous but better than the NY SAFE ACT.

04-08-2019, 08:05
Have an NZ internet friend who is keeping me up on this, He has 7 M-1s that he expects to turn in... Now they are exoanding the dragnet past military guns and lever actions holding more than 5 rounds are on the chop, any pump or semiauto tube feed holding more than 10 is a goner. He cites a friend with an FAL (SLR to them) collection with several one of a kind variants and presentation models all now to be destroyed. He assembled the collection over decades at a cost of a quarter million $NZ, that will go to the furnace. My buddy has a couple of ARs he went to so he could go to optics, along with his Henry 44 lever gun replica he has to turn in. They want all magazines, every gun part, stripper clips even. The tiniest component of a prohibited gun will land a person in jail. The press is loving it portraying the shooters as Nazis and tools of the "American NRA." A very fine national high power champion woman shooter has been subjected to all kinds of defamation for being a spokesperson for the shooting hobby. One of their high police commissioners has stated that good New Zealanders don't own guns. It's really tragic, he's losing his hobby. All these people who never hurt anyone as well!

This is most depressing. Hold fast to the 2nd Amendment.

04-08-2019, 08:33
A police state doesn't have to be jack booted thugs at 2AM now, does it ?
Interesting that a police commissioner is now a moral arbiter.

04-09-2019, 08:27
I have a friend who lives in New Zeeland. He owns a small number of rifles which are bolt action SMLE and single shot MH. His prized rifle is a M1 carbine and he is afraid he will loose it to the government. He has had it for years and his whole family loves and enjoys shooting it. But being a semi-auto it will be on the list of those that are evil because of being semi-auto rifle.

Bill D
04-09-2019, 11:29
I can’t help but feel terrible for NZ firearms owners. Think about how we would feel if that happened here. BUT it can happen here if we aren’t very vigilant. This should serve as an impetus to get out and fight to elect congress critters who will protect our 2A rights. Personally, I don’t give a $hit about seeing Trumps tax returns - I care a hell of a lot more about his appointment of pro 2A judges.


04-09-2019, 05:23
I've attended my local rifle range ... wherever I have lived ... pretty consistently for decades.

Over those decades many massacres have taken place . Massacres that involved the use of firearms.

At those rifle ranges I've attended I'm a bit embarrassed to mention that after each and every massacre no one ever mentioned the victims.... ever.

Just like this thread the discussion is only about... our rights .... the most important thing on earth .....

Maybe those rights are the most important thing on earth ...... but recognition of the victims would do none of us any harm......

know what I mean ?

Bill D
04-09-2019, 06:24
It really goes without saying that most if not all of feel hurt for the families of these victims. These are terrible happenings that just shouldn’t happen but happen, they do. Now the families want revenge on all gun owners, not just the perps that do these terrible things. I feel that we can feel sympathy for these families without rolling over and surrendering our firearms to the government.


04-09-2019, 06:59
But that is exactly my point Bill ...... " It goes without saying "

A ccuse a victims family of having a knee jerk reaction to firearms.... and we've doubled down on the effort to ban them.

Start attempting to understand the others sides dislike of them and we are half way to solving the problem

S.A. Boggs
04-09-2019, 07:39
People often feel that "something" should have/could have been done to stop this from happening. Reality is very little could have been done from someone bent on destructive behavior. People have to realize that the user is the weapon, all else are simply tools that were used. I have dealt with many victims of violence, a great deal of it unfortunately. The connecting dot is "why" and prevention for future occurrence. The latter statement is the first step to a police state and the decrease in personal freedom. A police state is a controlled atmosphere where rights are granted and freedom is withdrawn. The murder in NZ was wrong, the attack on the users of legal firearms is also wrong. Now will two wrongs make a right? A free society will have some misfits who do wrong, does society turn on itself and look at all as misfits in need of total government control by a few?

Bill D
04-09-2019, 07:51
I do understand the victim’s families viewpoint. I understand it but I don’t agree with it. As a liberal who is also a firearms owner/user, you must straddle a fine line. You have to be completely in agreement with the liberal point of view (thinking with your heart) while hating to see your rights trampled on by misdirected grief. The conservative side of it is (thinking with your head) exactly what Sam said. It was the individual that was evil. The firearm was just one of many available tools to accomplish the deed. Why is it wrong to mobilize in response to a knee jerk reaction?


04-09-2019, 08:46
If 50 or 100 new Zeelanders had died in a bus crash or a boat sinking.......?

Bill D
04-09-2019, 08:54
Round up all buses or boats and destroy them.


Griff Murphey
04-10-2019, 10:32
In the past they had been licensing M-1 Garands as regular sporting rifles if the bayonet lug was cut off and if the shooter never used an 8 round en bloc. Obviously that part was on the honor system. There may be a chance some "bona fide collectors" may bee able to save a few of the historic guns but that may be a faint hope. If so they would be under the same regs as their highest regulated guns; the full autos (which I have not heard what they are doing about those) which are allowed to be owned, live, but may not be shot. An M-1 that still had the bayonet lug was the next license level up. The Carbines are definitely toast.

I also understand the shooters are experiencing new random police presence at the ranges. It's definitely a judgmental decision to cast the 250,000 NZ legal gun owners as villains when in fact they are victims of the crime themselves. Maybe the loss of a hobby is not comparable with the loss of human life but I still call the gun owners victims.

They are still shooting their bolt actions in matches.

04-10-2019, 12:10
The Kiwis understand these a-holes want publicity and refuse to give it to them. Their faces are obscured, names unmentioned and the press isn't running a contest to rank their body count. That would go a long way to putting a damper on these guys here. LSM has made ARs the 'must have' weapon for mass murder.

Johnny P
04-10-2019, 01:49
Uncle Bernie, Occasionally-Coherent, and Omar the Ugly would never try to do something like that to us U.S. gun owners, would they.

04-10-2019, 03:28
Here's the law:



Dan Shapiro
04-10-2019, 03:38
Hmmmm...............there was a 'letter to the editor' posted in a NZ paper, allegedly from a gang member. It stated that they would not be turning in their guns.


S.A. Boggs
04-11-2019, 03:28
Hmmmm...............there was a 'letter to the editor' posted in a NZ paper, allegedly from a gang member. It stated that they would not be turning in their guns.


They have a point of contention.

Griff Murphey
04-11-2019, 10:36
My NZ friend said today that there is speculation that competitors and “bona fide collectors” may be able to keep some otherwise to-be-illegal guns. But at this point it is mere speculation.

04-11-2019, 11:36
My NZ friend said today that there is speculation that competitors and “bona fide collectors” may be able to keep some otherwise to-be-illegal guns. But at this point it is mere speculation.

I hope you're right. There should be a collector provision. Hoops to jump through but better than the furnace.

04-11-2019, 03:13
They need their own Lexington and Concord.

04-16-2019, 08:50
My friend in NZ has said he cannot even sell over seas any parts for carbines. He has a real nice early Inland high wood I cut stock and he has to turn it in. The mail service there will not ship any parts for firearms. So he will loose a stock worth $300 to $500. He doesn't understand that there is a world wide liberal agenda to remove all firearms from everyone and the liberals are in power down there right now. They don't have a 2nd amendment to help protect them.

Griff Murphey
05-06-2019, 12:02
My friend in NZ has said he cannot even sell over seas any parts for carbines. He has a real nice early Inland high wood I cut stock and he has to turn it in. The mail service there will not ship any parts for firearms. So he will loose a stock worth $300 to $500. He doesn't understand that there is a world wide liberal agenda to remove all firearms from everyone and the liberals are in power down there right now. They don't have a 2nd amendment to help protect them.
My NZ internet buddy just took all the firing pins out of his M-1 collection. Not surprisingly it made him sad knowing they will never be fired. He's hoping they can be retained as non firing collectibles.

05-06-2019, 01:25
Democrats DO NOT deserve to live in a country that has the right to bear arms.

05-07-2019, 02:38
This is a very funny thread. Seeing the commie libs here claiming they support the 2nd Amendment is a real hoot. If they had their way Hillary would be President and the Constitution would be erased from the history books.

Clark Howard
05-07-2019, 11:23
There is a difference between a subject and a citizen. History says that we will have to bail them out again in the future. The dems who support the 2nd Amendment would not fill a country school bus. Regards, Clark

05-07-2019, 02:00
This is a link to an article in a paper in NZ. https://farmersweekly.co.nz/section/dairy/view/gun-law-won't-work

- - - Updated - - -


05-07-2019, 02:06

05-07-2019, 07:48

Griff Murphey
05-07-2019, 08:19

It's a great article unfortunately coming up page not found.

My friend in NZ emailed it to me. Basically the writer states the law was written without any input from shooters or hunters, dealers, or even the police firearms officers. In other words, very ignorant people, running high on emotion. I wish I was more computer literate and could put it up for you.

The shooting sports community there has no friends at all unless you count the farmers.