View Full Version : Effectivness of Modern Body Armor

04-06-2019, 02:44
The attached video relates to the effectiveness of modern body armor, specifically Russian Army issue armor "strike plates" worn as part of the total armor panoply. As the video says this may not be current Russian Army issue as this stuff is constantly being upgraded. I think it may be assumed that the results obtained would be about the same with any modern intermediate power rounds such as 7.62x39 or 5.45x39 mm Russian cartridges.

I remember that the strike plates on the armor I was issued as an LEO were rated to defeat 7.62x51 mm NATO @ 200 meters. That was 25 plus years ago, those plates were much thicker and, I bet heavier than the Rooski gear in the video, and I'm sure current USGI armor will do better; probably much better. There is a good reason so few of our current casualties are due to small arms fire.


04-07-2019, 06:19
I’ve seen the video before, I wish they would have hit it with 7.62 X 51afterwards. Regardless the trend lately has been making the armor lighter. We got to look at some new composite stuff that was 30 % lighter than out ceramic plates. Unfortunately the cost was more than double. The big down side to ceramics is cracking from rough handling etc. The coated AR 550 plates are cheap but heavy. I’ve read about some stuff that’s supposed to be the ticket that’s plastic based but haven’t seen it in person yet.

04-07-2019, 10:37
"...7.62x39 or 5.45x39..." Neither of which are even closely similar to 7.62NATO. Saw a video demo of Second Chance Hard Corps 3 armour long ago. Dickie Davis shot one of his boys wearing said armour while standing on one leg(the guy not Dick) with an FN from one foot. The guy didn't even move. Mind you, the armour weighed 20 some pounds as I recall.
Oh and '@ 200 meters', the 7.62NATO hasn't started to reach maximum penetration. Takes 300 yards for the bullet to stabilize.

04-07-2019, 06:53
There are plenty of plates out there that will stop almost anything a man can carry and fire from the shoulder. The Russian plate tested is supposed to be able to stop 7.62x54r ball. A hit from a round like 7.62x54r is going to leave a big oweee if the plate defeats it but that's a lot better than taking the "dirt nap."

There is an NRA article about M855A1. They found many of the claims made for it such as "match grade accuracy" and that rifles did not have to be re-zero-ed with the new ammo were bogus. In reality its groups were seldom better than 1.5 moa. They did find it would penetrate 3/8" of hardened steel at 350 yards. In fact the Army, according to the NRA, found a drawback to this improved penetration; the M855A1 was chewing up expensive steel target racks. Troops in the field are supposed to be very pleased with the barrier penetrating and wounding of the new round. The NRA rightly claimed that DoD comparisons showing the M855A1 would out-penetrate 7.62x51 ball to be "apples and oranges" since a lead core ball round should not do as well against barriers as a bullet with a hardened steel penetrator purpose designed to defeat those barriers.

Here is a vid of tests of modern plates (sort of) vs 5.56 M193, and Radaway Green 7.62x51 ball.

Be sure to watch both parts. There is some interesting stuff on M855 ammunition in part 2.


Oh, I'd buy that floaty stuff :evil6: