View Full Version : Housing update

S.A. Boggs
04-10-2019, 02:58
Now that winter and severe cold weather is about over, we have to look at doing additional things. Our electric bills were half of the previous year with us now have 5X the area to live in. Part of this is the addition of the new metal roof with a great deal of insulation. The plastic roof in the green house section let in a great deal of light even on cloudy days. The Solexx material is fantastic in transmitting and bending light for our plants. Due to the light transmission my wife did not have her yearly bout with Seasonal Affective Disorder. The downside is that I am going to have to place bubble wrap on the inside to give additional insulation as condensation was a constant problem in some areas. I will be able to create an air pocket of about 6" from the roof to the bottom of the rafters, thus sealing it.
We have picked up two dwarf peach trees and have on order dwarf apple, Meyer lemon, plum, cherry trees. The trees are potted and will be moved outside into the yard after the end of frost season, come fall the delicate ones will be moved back into the greenhouse. The ones needing to go dormant will be moved to a protected area of the porch until February when they will be moved back into the greenhouse to start the season anew. To keep out the summer sun I am covering the Solexx roof with a silver tarp to reflect the heat and keep the greenhouse cooler, all plants will be moved outside. I have one wall that will be utilized hydroponically with gutters, I figure that I can get about 80-100' of growing space. I will be doing the same with gutters overhead to grow more plants for additional food. Much of the food will go to our church for donations, some will be sold to cover food growing costs. This is the g45641 greenhouse and porch during construction, see the light difference. The far wall is the proposed growing area as it is the most open.