View Full Version : Candace Owens Defends Herself

04-13-2019, 05:41
For those of you who haven't seen this -


...and she's right, this sort of end justifies the means "cherry picking" is always wrong whoever does it.

04-14-2019, 06:03
Seen it. Tempted to send a signed postcard to Lieu and Nadler telling them they are stupid. See if Obersturmbannfurhrer Mueller's lads come visit. Lese Majestie ceased to be a crime here on 4 July, 1776; I could use the money to fund my latest project.

04-16-2019, 07:25
She is the “new,” voice for the black community. She tells it like it is and reminds me of MLK.

If he were alive today, he would be saying the same things...

04-18-2019, 10:34
"...voice for the black community..." Self-appointed too? Not much of an explosion. The guy who had the hissy fit tantrum for Gayle King's TV show was better. snicker.

Johnny P
04-24-2019, 05:26
"Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results"

Well, several other words could be substituted for insanity, but doesn't this pretty well describe the vast majority of the black community and their political conviction.

Former Cav
05-04-2019, 12:06
did he/she use a gun or a knife? I don't know who this is and don't really care!