View Full Version : I wish I had the money!!!

S.A. Boggs
04-25-2019, 01:58
Was out yesterday looking for dwarf fruit trees, found none. I did find a great deal's of water features that I could have used, no money in the budget. Ever happen to you?

04-25-2019, 05:14
Just yesterday! Oh well. That's life! Sincerely. bruce.

04-25-2019, 10:17
Been looking for a bay laurel tree for eons.
Having the sound of running water all the time will just keep you running to pee. snicker.
Go here for your fruit trees. Sort local to you. Mail order from Georgia.

04-25-2019, 10:29
Trees for $25? We went to a big nursery here to look at a mesquite tree. $600 delivered. I thought I was on a used car lot. He actually said, what's it going to take to get you to buy this tree?

S.A. Boggs
04-25-2019, 10:36
Been looking for a bay laurel tree for eons.
Having the sound of running water all the time will just keep you running to pee. snicker.
Go here for your fruit trees. Sort local to you. Mail order from Georgia.

Thank you very much!:hello::banana100:

04-25-2019, 10:45
The most I've paid so far for a tree was $150 for a Japanese Dwarf Red Maple and $250ea x 3 for Pindo palms.

1970 prices for half grown tall palms (25' or so) ran $1,000 delivered but not planted. Don't know what they cost now.

Where I live Home Depot and Lowes sometimes have good prices on decent trees. You just have to be there at the right time as they sell out quickly.

04-25-2019, 08:21
I've gotten slightly damaged trees from Lowes and HD for discounted prices from 20 percent to 50 percent off listed price.

04-25-2019, 11:31
Trees. Here's a story. I have this palm in the center of my yard. It's next to the pool. Well, one day this guy knocks on the door and offers to buy the palm. It's about six feet tall back then. He says, they would dig up the palm and give me $300 and put the fence back up. I said no, I kind of like the palm. Wrong thing. Now I have to pay $100 a year to trim the palm. The damn palm isn't even straight and my Compulsive Straightness Syndrome can't tolerate crooked things. I'd pay $100 to get rid of it.
Here it is in a better light.
Wide angle lens without any fixing; The saquaro isn't leaning in real life. Life isn't perfect, you learn to live with some things. Wish ya'll the best with your future plants.
Oh, and remember- Little plants look cute and then they get bigger.

Former Cav
04-26-2019, 04:45
palm trees are condiminiums for scorpions here in AZ.!!

04-26-2019, 06:21
Hate those palm trees ! They suck up water, need trimming all the time and the durn pigeons sometimes bring cigarette butts to the nests . FIRE !

04-26-2019, 06:57
Little plants look cute and then they get bigger.

Also true of animals and humans.

You may actually have to pay close to $1000 to have the tree removed now but I have found that dealing with people off the street never ends up well. If they had paid you at all they would have probably have left a huge hole and a section of your fence in a pile.

04-28-2019, 05:49
Trimming or cutting these huge trees can be fatal. Spend the money and get a pro Had a year long dispute with a neighbor who had a street guy cut too . much off
and the hunk landed on a block wall, taking out a 6 foot section . If the tree is accessible , you might be able to sell it

04-28-2019, 08:52
All good advice. I know I can't get rid of it for $100. Probably $600 or more to remove it now. If you want some laughs, check out Utube vids of Idiots Cutting Down Trees.


These are just the ones that happened to get filmed. I quite trimming this one when I got 12' off the ground.