D Miller
05-03-2019, 07:52
I have a .45 ACP series 70 Colt Combat Commander Model 04613 with serial number 70SC80520. It has a satin nickel finish. I looked up the serial number (colt.com/serial-lookup) and it says it was made in 1981. Looking in the new 40th edition of the Blue Book on page 674 it states they were made between 1971 and 1980. I bought the gun used in 1993 with box and paper work. My confusion relates to the few blued parts that are: the trigger, the 4 grip screws and the barrel link. The mag. catch appears to be a non-satin finish. The barrel appears to be chrome plated. I guess my question is was this pistol messed with before I got it or was it put together, as is, by Colt with what parts they still had after it was discontinued in 1980?45917