View Full Version : John Holbrok

k arga
05-17-2019, 04:42
Anyone hear from him, he hasn't posted in a long time?


S.A. Boggs
05-17-2019, 05:27
Last one heard he had taken up with a lady friend.

05-17-2019, 05:42
A lot of people haven't posted in a long time.

JB White
05-17-2019, 07:02
A lot of people haven't posted in a long time.

Yup and I'm all but gone myself. Here by force of habit I reckon.

05-19-2019, 10:46
John Holbrook has moved away from Montana and relocated in Florida to be closer to his immediate Family. the last time I had a conversation with him all was well. John is a true American Hero and deserves everyone's respect. As John was known to say "I have proven hard to kill"
Best Regards Too All,

05-19-2019, 11:08
Thanks for the reply and info. Since he left the forum I have seen one or two of his pristine 1911's for sale on-line.

k arga
05-19-2019, 12:46
Good to know he's ok.