View Full Version : Memorial Day 2019

05-25-2019, 01:26
Memorial Day is upon us again, and for most of my 69 years on this planet young Americans who raised their right hands and promised to "support and defend" have gone in Harm's Way-and paid the price.
My family has been little touched by the wars of the United States, few served and AFAIK only two lost.
The real meaning of Memorial is best captured by Charles Johnson Post, author of The Little War of Private Post , his account of his experiences in the 71st New York in the Cuban Campaign of 1898. A rather minor affair compared to the Civil War and the bloodlettings of the 20th Century but as Post reminds us:
"Whether a man falls with 20,000 others in some grand battle or all by himself on a lonely outpost, he is a 100% casualty to himself. What more is there to give ?"

05-25-2019, 08:04
Very true.

THis photo, from our visit to my grandfather's grave site, last year. It is in Margraten, Netherlands, and lovingly attended by literally thousands of local folks.

Vern Humphrey
05-26-2019, 06:07
I try to post this somewhere on each Memorial Day. I wrote it in honor of a friend of mine, killed at Cam Lo Mountain. You may have seen it here before.

Fifteen Yards

The jungle's green, the scars are healed
Where John O'Reilly lay
Alone upon a stricken field
We were sixteen miles away

For half an hour his line held firm
Then bowed and began to sway
But Alpha Company's coming hard
Only seven miles away

To give them time to form again
He alone held all at bay
But he never reached the second line
We were just a mile away

Half unconscious, half awake
Between the lines he lay
We scrambled up the steep hillside
Just a quarter mile away

His hand opened, closed, relaxed again
As his spirit passed away
I saw him go from where I crouched
Just fifteen yards away

His son is grown, I met him once
But I could never say,
"I watched your father as he died
From fifteen yards away."

The day will come when I will pay
The debt we all must pay
May John O'Reilly watch for me
From fifteen yards away.

05-26-2019, 07:12
Wonderful poem.

05-26-2019, 08:18
When you are enjoying brats and beer, remember absent camrades.

05-26-2019, 07:52
Mr. Humphrey, You honor your friend's memory.

S.A. Boggs
05-27-2019, 01:06
An empty glass...