View Full Version : This Body Cam is Amazing

05-29-2019, 01:40
Comments section suggests that non-LEOs trying this would have had a different outcome. It's entertaining, in a strange way.


05-29-2019, 02:21
lets sleep it off,,,,

and yep, he thought he was going to get off since he had a badge,

hoping he got the same deal you or I would have,

05-29-2019, 04:19
he tried but they did not let him get off.Back in the day it would have been different.

05-29-2019, 04:39
I'm okay with cops cutting each other slack on the small stuff, but this guy was hammered and there were civilian 911 calls on tape. No way could they let him sleep it off on the roadside. Plus the body camera video. The Lt. actually seems like he's an overall decent guy too.

05-30-2019, 06:10
NOt the first or last to let alcohol lead to the end of their job. Hopefully he gets help for his issues no matter his what his career choice.

05-30-2019, 11:03
I think it'd be illegal for non-LEOs. Something about invading privacy. Same as recording a phone call without the other side knowing. Remember Rule Number 3. Thou Shalt CYA!

05-30-2019, 01:18
[QUOTE]Same as recording a phone call without the other side knowing.[/QUOTE

Most States allow recording telephone conversation as long as one of the parties are aware. It is illegal to record a conversation between two (2) parties without either knowing unless you have proper legal authority.

john in SC

05-30-2019, 07:14
with the amount of folks videoing everything on their cell phones, I think legal or not does not really matter

05-31-2019, 07:25
I wonder what his job status is today.

S.A. Boggs
05-31-2019, 11:20
You ought to see the body cam that I have to put up with every 90 days!:icon_redface::eusa_shhh::icon_e_surprised:

06-01-2019, 02:01
No pics please. No, really, no pics. Thanks.

S.A. Boggs
06-01-2019, 04:15
No pics please. No, really, no pics. Thanks.

Don't worry, they and the procedure are not pleasant...yet necessary.

06-01-2019, 09:48
What is even more amazing is that the citizens of that county accepted such an idiot as sheriff.

it wouldn't have gone on anywhere near that long in my neck of the woods. I think any non-LEO would have ended up in the ER after that much resistance...

Former Cav
06-02-2019, 02:38
BTW.... if you are in a parking lot (say out side of a bar or legion club) and are trying to "sleep it off" inside your vehicle and even IF your KEY"S are NOT in the ignition, you could still get busted for DUI in MN.
I don't know about other states, but I've read about it.
best thing to do if you are drunk is call someone for a ride.

06-02-2019, 03:40
BTW.... if you are in a parking lot (say out side of a bar or legion club) and are trying to "sleep it off" inside your vehicle and even IF your KEY"S are NOT in the ignition, you could still get busted for DUI in MN.
I don't know about other states, but I've read about it.
best thing to do if you are drunk is call someone for a ride.

you can in Hopewell VA,

I know a guy that did exactly that,
got a bit too much in him, went to his car, opened door, locked himself inside and with keys in pocket was asleep in the back seat,

police came knocking on the window and locked him up,

06-03-2019, 03:40
you can in Hopewell VA,

I know a guy that did exactly that,
got a bit too much in him, went to his car, opened door, locked himself inside and with keys in pocket was asleep in the back seat,

police came knocking on the window and locked him up,

Wonder what Charge? I can't think of a violation unless maybe expired plates, or there was an ordinance against sleeping in a car or a warrant for him. Just curious. It couldn't be drunk driving unless he had moved the car before going in the back to sleep. Ray

06-03-2019, 08:09
Wonder what Charge? I can't think of a violation unless maybe expired plates, or there was an ordinance against sleeping in a car or a warrant for him. Just curious. It couldn't be drunk driving unless he had moved the car before going in the back to sleep. Ray

Driving while intoxicated, since he was in the car, and drunk,
even parked,

small town and some overzealous enforcement

this was 20+ yrs ago, his lawyer may have gotten it reduced, been so long I cannot remember the outcome

06-03-2019, 10:44
A story told by my grandmother, years ago. Her husband and a buddy took a road trip in the late 1930's to NYC. Had maybe a bit too much to drink and so they pulled over to sleep it off. A cop woke them up, rapping on the glass. Get it moving, because in a little while there is going to be a lot of traffic this way.

They were sleeping it off, parked on the George Washington Bridge.

Times do change.

06-13-2019, 07:16
If the keys aren’t in the ignition there is no attempt to operate, if you decide to sleep it off in a parking lot versus driving good for you. Don’t drink and drive, UBER Lyft etc are very affordable.

06-14-2019, 04:17

06-19-2019, 07:44
A story told by my grandmother, years ago. Her husband and a buddy took a road trip in the late 1930's to NYC. Had maybe a bit too much to drink and so they pulled over to sleep it off. A cop woke them up, rapping on the glass. Get it moving, because in a little while there is going to be a lot of traffic this way.

They were sleeping it off, parked on the George Washington Bridge.

Times do change.

a friend and I were out one night when I was in college
he lived in Hopewell, I lived maybe 30 minutes from the town
we met in a central location (Chester) and drove into RVA for a show at the then hoping Comedy Club

great show, got toasted,
really toasted (long island iced teas,, one too many)

anyway, he was driving, and I had to ,, um,, purge,
he pulls over in the median, I open the door and start ,, purging,

he hears me, and is just about as drunk, and opens his door to to the same,

lights start flashing,
yep, City cop behind us,

I am coherent,, barely (college years,, gotta love it, such a drunk would kill me now)
he had already straightened up and closed his door

cop asks what is going in,

friend says, straight faced, 'sorry Officer, my friend (me) was celebrating Reagan's re-election and got carried away. I'm driving him home'

Cop smiled, said drive safely, and let us go,

yes, it was the day after the election, and I did vote (first time) for Reagan

made it to his house and we crashed,(ETA, not the car,,,,) made it home, quite hungover, the next day

06-19-2019, 11:08
Way back we all went drinking. The problem is, passengers who want to get lippy with the cops. No skin off their ass. I've been told, your lucky he isn't driving Those days are over for me.