View Full Version : New setup

S.A. Boggs
06-05-2019, 12:46
Since taking over the wife's room I have been redoing the room [among other irons in the fire] while continuing to reload. Want to show a couple of things for those who use Dillon. I have one of Mike's early 550B and just added a different spent primer system that I purchased from E-Bay. I have always hated the cup that came with the machine with primers popping out and the constant dumping of primers. I purchased an attachment that replaces the cup with a 4 foot plastic tube attached. I get free buckets with lids from Kroger's for my reloading stuff. Using plumbers metal clamps I attached the tube to the front of my bench and into the bucket, much easier. While I was ill I watch a great deal of DIY on You Tube, one was for the swagger. I attached a return spring to it and I can process about 600 an hour with ease. The case flips off the shaft into a bin that sets next to my bench. Now I am looking @ powered case trimmers as my Lyman is too slow for the amount of rifle brass that I need to do.

06-05-2019, 02:00
glad to see I am not the only one with a junky reloading table!!!:1948:

S.A. Boggs
06-05-2019, 03:30
My day usually starts around 0430-2230 with a lot to do! Right now I am redoing the room that use to be my wife's quilting/sewing room. I am building two more tables and putting up peg boards above the planned tables. One table for gunsmithing, the other for sizing bullets and for processing brass. I enjoy going to my reloading room, turn on my stereo and just relax doing reloading. This is my escape to my reality away from all that I get to do for the house.

06-05-2019, 03:33
glad to see I am not the only one with a junky reloading table!!!:1948:

It's bad enough with the three service rifle calibers I'm doing now. :)

06-05-2019, 03:52
glad to see I am not the only one with a junky reloading table!!!:1948:

If you don't have EVERYTHING in front of you how will you find it?

06-05-2019, 04:46
If you don't have EVERYTHING in front of you how will you find it?


S.A. Boggs
06-06-2019, 03:43
Somewhere in my "collection" I have a copy of the American Rifleman from 1941 with an article and picture of the gunsmith Pope @ his bench...figured I would pattern mine after his.:icon_wink: As a youngster I grew up admiring a friend of my father and used his range a great deal. The Man was Bill Large, for those who don't know Bill was a founding member of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association. Bill also made all the rifles used in the movie Sgt. York. Bill had a huge shop to make barrels in, @ the end of his shop was an enormous stone fireplace with rocking chairs, his place reeked of oil and knowledge. Bill had several benches to work off performing his "magic" and each bench had tools scattered about that he could reach when he wanted to.

S.A. Boggs
06-06-2019, 03:53
How about other's showing your reloading setup. I could use some more ideas to swipe, I mean "borrow" from.:eusa_shhh::icon_lol::hello:

S.A. Boggs
06-06-2019, 05:17
This was Bill's card that he always used, he had 4 daughter's and no sons. The locks were made for him by Bob Roller, a heck of a talented machinist and story teller of old. Bill had a grandson that he doted on and wanted to teach what Bill knew, the boy was more interested in fast cars and women. One day I walked into the shop and Bill was upset. He had just been to the range shooting his .45 [done up by F. Bob Chow] and was upset @ the Remington Match that he had. He had two cases of the stuff and told me to take it home and fix it, so I did. I told Bill I was having problems with my 10/22 as the front sight kept getting in the way of the scope that I had on it. Bill said that he could fix that and proceeded to lop off the front sight and redo the crown. This improved my hitting ability as he said that the end of the barrel wasn't square enough.
Bill was reworking an original Hawkins rifle that he said would take about two years, that rifle was in pretty good condition for it's age. I liked how it came up to my shoulder and wished the rifle could talk. Hanging above one of his benches was a star gauged M1903 National Match that he use to shoot and in his "gun cupboard" was a consecutive set of SAA silver plated, ivory handled 44/40's in pristine condition! Last I heard that Bill's shop had been sold to a gunsmith in Indiana who had been after the family to sell Bill's tools to him for many years.

06-07-2019, 11:56
How about other's showing your reloading setup. I could use some more ideas to swipe, I mean "borrow" from.

I tried that, after posting pictures no one would speak to me. I believe I told you about taking pictures I posted of my gages, the picture weighed 700 pounds. And then when it comes to benches; I use stands.

F. Guffey

06-07-2019, 12:43
I tried that, after posting pictures no one would speak to me. I believe I told you about taking pictures I posted of my gages, the picture weighed 700 pounds. And then when it comes to benches; I use stands.

F. Guffey

Must have been pretty bad if no one would speak to you.

Picture weighed 700 pounds ?

Seriously, not all pictures or replies will receive or require a reply. Sometimes I feel like I'm on everyone's "ignore list". Some things just don't need replies. Don't let that stop you.

06-08-2019, 08:01
Must have been pretty bad if no one would speak to you.

You were not there, most reloaders (if not all) believe they have seen it all and there is nothing new. I took a few bolts I thought about selling to a gun show; problem, no one had ever seen and or heard of bolts that were different and made for a different purpose. I made a few gages with the intent of selling, problem, finding someone that could keep up with the instructions.

And then there are those that are just 'ANGRY!' It seems anyone that can not find humor in a picture that weighed 700 pounds because of content has serious social problems.

All my life I haver been surrounded with fishermen that will not be outdone by anyone when it comes to 'the biggest fish'. In a contest like that I always claim a modest length, They measure the length of the fish from head to tail and I measure the distance between the eyes.

F. Guffey

06-08-2019, 08:17
They measure the length of the fish from head to tail and I measure the distance between the eyes.

That wouldn't work out too well on a flounder.

06-08-2019, 08:45
That wouldn't work out too well on a flounder.

I was fishing near Port Lavaca when I was asked about a fish I had just caught. I told them I did not know but I was throwing it back because it was too ugly to eat. Because they are very sharp down there they aske me why I thought it was ugly I told them it was ugly because the eyes were on one side of its head. We made it back with that one.

And then I was banned from fishing with my father-in-law. His wife, my mother in law claimed he was a honest man until he went fishing with me. We had a knock down drag-out with a big fish, we lost. I could not believe he returned home and told the story to everyone he knew. My son, father-in-law and my self were all involved. And then it got worst.

F. Guffey

06-08-2019, 09:27
We had a knock down drag-out with a big fish, we lost. I could not believe he returned home and told the story to everyone he knew. My son, father-in-law and my self were all involved. And then it got worst.

Whop him in the head with that 700# picture.

06-12-2019, 09:13
Whop him in the head with that 700# picture.
The man was my son's grandfather, he did not have a fishing story until he went fishing with us. He had never experienced what it was like to for someone not to believe him. The next day my son's grandmother was with us when we headed for the gulf with the understanding if there was any truth to his story he should not have trouble with a repeat performance.

And then there were a few stories about snakes I did not tell but caught up with me, I cooked one because the troops said they did not like fish sticks. I could have gotten away with that one had it not been for the first 'Sargent' in line. He insisted he wanted some of that round fish and the KP followed orders.

F. Guffey