View Full Version : Gunbroker, I kind of can't look at it anymore.

06-22-2019, 05:54
Maybe there's an app that will allow me to look at gunbroker without dozens of ads. I don't want to see a drawing of some old guys prostrate or a link to something about women with huge jugs(totally fake picture manipulation by the way). Who needs jugs that big. Then when I punch into a site with something I'm interested in I get pages of guns that I'm not interested in. When I go to page 2 I get reminders of what I just looked at a minute ago. I really hate going there anymore. I take an interest in a few calibers and manufacturers. Maybe some of it is because when my HD crashed I went to windows 10. I was perfectly happy with 7.

06-22-2019, 05:59
I run adblocker , free addition as an attachment or whatever they call it on Chrome,
when I long in, all those ad's go away

06-22-2019, 06:45
GB remembers my ID and password. I have it reduced to an icon on my home page that I simply click on then check the "remember me" on the sign in. Once I start viewing things of interest I see no pop-ups. You may need to adjust your cookies setting to not allow every little thing to enter your computer but I think Windows 10 may by 99.999999% of your problem. I use 7, tried 10 and won't ever use it again. I replaced the operating system of my 10 back to a 7. They are cheap on ebay--everybody wants the 10 because it is "the latest", the "greatest", an "upgrade" or an "improvement". I call it "big brother" and a "POS". You can't block the system from loading your computer up with Microsoft spyware and "upgrades" which will eventually slow your computer down to a crawl.

06-22-2019, 08:46
It's already happened. I've only had this version for two months and yesterday I noticed it slowing down. Then I got the big screaming warning about a virus. I guess microsoft fixed it right off. I ran Spybot but I don't have the "good" version that chases all virus's. Microsoft is going to abandon 7 sometime later this year I think.

06-22-2019, 09:16
It's already happened. I've only had this version for two months and yesterday I noticed it slowing down. Then I got the big screaming warning about a virus. I guess microsoft fixed it right off. I ran Spybot but I don't have the "good" version that chases all virus's. Microsoft is going to abandon 7 sometime later this year I think.

I still have windows 7 on my laptops,

but I stopped running internet explorer (except for when I have to fill out a form 3 or 4, the ATF site likes it better than Chrome) I use Chrome, with adblocker installed,
I run AVG or Avast (have one each on each machine) , superantispyware (run that every week or so), and Malwarebytes (run when needed)

no issues, no drama, no ads,

the machine I am on now is about 10 yrs old, Dell M3500 I picked up as a refurb, windows 7, SSD drive installed a couple years ago, and I7 Core chip,

my other laptop is a 5yr or sold old Lenova T530, I 5 core and windows 7, SSD card, bought as a refurb when I dropped this one and crashed the old drive

I sure this and a few other forums, Utube, gunbroker, ebay, email etc, (no games) and both laptops are quick as can be,,, (Comcast broadband ISP if that matters)

06-22-2019, 09:47
I use Firefox. I tried Chrome many yrs. ago but didn't like it for some reason. Maybe it's better now. I went to the Firefox menu and found something called Ghostery. I turned it on and just checked GB and all the silly stuff has disappeared. OK, so far so good. What's the catch? I've used malwarebytes and Avast(I paid for). I probably need to sign up for a subscription virus fighter.

06-22-2019, 10:24
I think, but not sure , ghostery is an adblocker,,

sounds like problem solved