View Full Version : Wow,really?

06-24-2019, 12:57

So she racked up how many $$$ in student debt to figure this out?

06-24-2019, 07:38
Not student debt....got a grant/grants, which includes her salary to come up with some pseudo science to justfy what's in your underwear isn't really you.

06-24-2019, 08:08
What next ? Finding out that people whose personal hygiene is poor are excluded from the dating pool ? How about people would rather see a real doctor than someone who plays one on TV ?
The notion of poseur comes to mind.

07-03-2019, 07:58
I say that nothing is better than the real thing. Also let the "he-she and the she-he" date each other. Problem solved.

07-05-2019, 07:19
I say that nothing is better than the real thing. Also let the "he-she and the she-he" date each other. Problem solved.

.......and the problem goes away in time.

Mark in Ottawa
07-06-2019, 05:19
Just think; this study was probably financed at a university by a government grant. Your tax money in action

07-06-2019, 12:11
Sorry i am old school that picture made me nauseous

Former Cav
07-11-2019, 07:48
well, you wouldn't expect the truth from a psychiatrist would you?
the fact of the matter is this: "why would you want to marry someone who is mentally ill and your odds of raising a family ....if that's what you want ........are nil"???